Prometheus stood against the gods as the first troll and narrative breaker. He consciously walked into a losing battle if it meant owning his will. Whatever hell the gods could devise for him, even they couldn’t take away his dignity and integrity.

Why you should subscribe to Bonds of Prometheus (for free):

I share with you insights that go beyond self-improvement and into self-ownership. Together, we explore ways to achieve control over ourselves, free from unwanted influences: past trauma, self-hatred, coercion, manipulation, and our debilitating mindsets.

Don’t worry. I won’t flood your inbox.

Subscribe to:

  1. Learn interesting talking points that make you an interesting conversationalist.

  2. Become aware of thought patterns in your head that aren’t yours to begin with.

  3. Challenge your cherished beliefs to steel-man them.

  4. Get more from yourself.

Stand for nothing, fall for anything.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Subscribe to Bonds of Prometheus

Prometheus stood against the gods as the first troll and narrative breaker. He consciously walked into a losing battle if it meant owning his will. Whatever hell the gods could devise for him, even they couldn’t take away his dignity and integrity.


I write to forget.