Western cultures possess a grave vulnerability; their sanctimonious self-righteousness. This holier-than-thou mindset puts Westerners at a disadvantage against cultures that value base strength over perceived piety.
The Westerner becomes vulnerable as he expects his pretentious piety to be rewarded as much as he rewards his made-up victims; victims whom he deems moral by default, solely on the merit of their supposed victimhood.
Presumptuously judging others by its own standards… the folly of the West.
Western pretentiousness has been present since antiquity. Ancient philosopher-moralists love to look down on others through sanctimonious pontificating.
Homer’s epic poems are riddled with instances of hypocrites trying to climb on the moral high horse, personifying their imagined graceful purity as divine favor. This is what appeasing the gods really is for Westerners: antagonistic moral exhibitionism.
Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers - for the most part - are up to their necks in pretentious piety and smug sanctimony; their moral hypocrisy, evident in their sanctification of the ruling class (be it kings, emperors, politicians, generals, or demagogues). They talk a big moral game, but when it comes to their own shortsighted self-interest, they kowtow to the centralized coercive state faster than a money-laundering accountant accepts an invitation to a “charity” gala. Let us not mention the pretentiousness of the ancients in publicly and obsessively performing meaningless “sacrifices” to the gods; not to grovel for divine grace, but rather to gain the naive public’s favor.
The public image of being pious, moral, and proper is the most important goal for the pretentiously self-righteous Westerner. Nothing matters most than thinking himself to be morally superior, even in arty hypocrisy.
The unholy alliance of church and crown, the model of government of medieval Europe, was a manifestation of this desperate need of the Westerner to virtue-signal. European kingdoms and feudal systems were not direct theocracies, but rather, proper tyrannies that would not have gained the complicity of their subjects without appearing as moral, with the bought-and-paid-for blessings of the church.
Fast-forward to today, and the pretentious hypocritical term “Western democracies” carries an air of pompous holier-than-thou moral “superiority,” a self-aggrandizing masturbatory smugness, a vainglorious advertising of Western moral “supremacy.”
This Westerner’s obsessive need to exhibit his hypocritical piety and his “superior” morality is now found in his obsessive “political correctness,” which is nothing more than virtue-bragging, and condescension towards whomever he deems impure; the inferiors who fail to adhere to the standards of decency set forth by the morally “superior” West.
Political correctness, wokeness, treating imagined groups of people as perpetual victims by default, grants them victimhood privilege. The Westerner considered himself morally superior to kowtowing to his treasured “victims,” instilling in them a pathological entitlement and debilitating victimhood complex they never asked for. This is how the self-righteous Westerner gets his kicks. Pathological altruism, self-righteous pretentious guilt for all the world’s woes, and smug ceremonial self-whipping are how the Westerner boasts his needy rectitude, and how desperately he expects to be applauded for his pompous “moral” chastity.
Welfare and socialist policies like “free” healthcare are a direct expression of this Western pathological need for pretentious altruism. “But what about the poor? What about the elderly? What about those who can’t afford it?” asks the naive hypocrite, the self-righteous Westerner who fails to understand that government interventionism is exactly what is causing poverty in the first place, by suppressing the economy.
Free housing, free handouts, free education, free drugs, free income, free everything is the communist wet dream of the Westerner who imagines himself morally superior just by voicing support for such sweet-sounding schizophrenic policies. So high is he on his own moral self-aggrandizing that he blinds himself to reason: that there is nothing free, and that all economic interventions suppress the economy, thus creating poverty, monopolies, and wider wealth gaps.
As Westerners move away from religiosity, their remaining desperate need for achieving the moral high ground must now be expressed through socialist mantras, feminism, climate activism, self-cannibalizing welfare, and pretentious self-hatred expressed via condescending kowtowing to any foreigner, simply on the merit of being a “barbarian.” Oh, the condescending insult… The Westerner loves to treat his “noble savages” as victims, disrespecting them with his patronizing pity, his subtle demeaning, his arrogant faux-humility, his haughty ethos-boasting, his implied “superiority” by comparison.
“Oh, poor noble savage, let me, your better, help you. All you have to do is grant me permission to feel good about myself. I desperately need such validation, because I am deeply insecure about my actual morality.”
- The Westerner, probably.
The Western online conversation is infested with high-and-mighty toxic motivators, talking down to you with their smug pomposity, their vapid generic truisms, and their belittling inferences that they are so much better than you for pretending to care for you.
The pathology of the West:
victimhood supremacy,
self-righteous pretentious guilt,
hypocritical patronizing altruism,
condescending disrespectful charity.
What… Did you think that nobody would exploit such a vulnerability?
Professional beggars
As the West insists on patronizing cultures it deep-down considers its inferiors, it plays the role of the patriarch provider. Then come the Middle Eastern culture, with its matriarchal Islam and maternally inherited Judaism to form an unholy marriage of toxic Western masculinity and toxic Eastern femininity: a controlling husband presuming that his provision grants him the right to control, and a whiney wife who loves to play the role of the victim as she pleads to be provided for by her abusive husband, then passive-aggressively complains and moans about his controlling while she lavishly spends his dime.
Don’t blame the beggar; blame the self-righteous smug benefactor who enables the beggar and keeps him down, the prideful haughty “giver” condescending the beggar with disrespectful pity, with faux “mercy” from a place of passive-aggressive smug superiority.
Then this benefactor pretends to wonder why the ingrateful beggar hates him. Why indeed…
“Beggars should be abolished. It annoys one to give to them, and it annoys one not to give to them.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Atrocity propaganda
It takes a truly self-righteous people to fall for atrocity propaganda, and to thus feel the need to put on a pretentious show of faux outrage; “enraged purpose” against those who conduct said atrocities. If you are so easily riled up (or feel the need to pretend to be) by immorality, then you will fail to question it in fear of being labeled as immoral. So, the Westerner’s pretentious and fake “rage” against the “immoral” makes him manipulable to atrocity propaganda, and therefore, he creates more incentive for it, since it so easily works.
Atrocity propaganda from both sides of the world wars made Westerners angry enough to obey their insane government, and to actually commit atrocities themselves; the same thing that got them so riled up in the first place. The irony…
And let us not forget how undeniable false flags like 9/11 overrode all reason in the West, thus putting Westerners in a state of justifying more atrocity, supposedly in the name of good.
This sick twisted obsession of the Westerner to appear pious is what invites psyop after psyop, propaganda tactic after propaganda tactic; he is too afraid to be skeptical, lest he be deemed unethical. Thus, the Westerner is guided by emotion when faced with pleas for “mercy,” and opportunities to advertise his pretentious moral “superiority.”
The Westerner won’t question the chance to show off how “moral” and “better” he is; he’s too quick to jump at the opportunity to advertise his moral “superiority” that he won’t pause to question, to scrutinize. He doesn’t care about being moral more than appearing to be moral, otherwise, he’d be skeptical of calls to act in the name of an arbitrarily defined “good.” And this will be his undoing.
It is this victim worship that makes false flags so effective. It is this victim worship that incentivizes false flags
The George Floyd insanity was yet another expression of the Westerner’s insane obsession with virtue-signaling, and his readiness to rush to the rescue of his precious “victims” whose label he attributes in the first place: a gold-plated coffin, a heroic funeral globally televised funeral for a career criminal, porn star, and addict whose death was falsely attributed on purpose; not because we understand thanatology, but because we so needed to advertise our moral “superiority” via faux outrage against imagined villains. But we knew that already, didn’t we…
The George Floyd insanity, with plain-black Instagram posts to advertise moral superiority, and pretentious BLM messages with loaded meaning, were the purest examples of Western hypocrisy, pretentious self-righteous guilt, faux outrage against imagined dragons. And all because we can’t find any other way to prove and advertise our moral “superiority;” perhaps because we were never moral to begin with.
It takes a morally deficient individual to be needy of such desperate “proofs” of morality.
Victim-worship and victim supremacy
In your effort to expose the evils of one side, you become enamoured with and blind to the evils of the other. This is how lazy binary thinking works, the convenient false dichotomy of the moralists; the red vs. the blue, Israel-Palestine, pro-science vs. science denialist, freedom fighter vs. terrorist. One of them you conveniently choose as your precious saintly victim that can do no wrong.
And when you worship a victim long enough on the virtue of his self-righteously indignant victimhood, you end up making him the villain: look at Israel. Every villain sees himself as the victim, feeling entitled to tyrannizing whomever he conveniently deems his “oppressors.” Every villain feels justified in committing atrocity, driven by his angst from being disrespected, from being victimized; not by his actual oppressors, but by his sanctimonious sympathizers who condescend him with their belittling pity.
When you treat people as victims, you make them loathe you with a passion, despite elevating them to a privileged class of beneficiaries of condescending handouts. Even though they accept your patronizing charity, they will loathe you for disrespecting you them with your self-serving pity.
The West isn’t hated for “conquering” or for “colonizing.” If that were the case, then Mongols, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, and Russians would be the most hated. But they are not, because they don’t treat anyone as a victim: they respect you enough to step on you and not apologize to you. They at least infer that they recognize your ability to stand up on your own feet without their self-righteous apologies or pretentious reparations.
Terms like “islamophobia,” “homophobia,” and “sexism” only appear in the West because the Westerner presumes to take the initiative to feel sorry for whomever he deems his inferior, whomever he considers worthy of his high-and-mighty charity. And he truly treats them as inferior, given his disrespectful patronizing demeanour towards them; his infuriating sympathy from pity.
This Western vulnerability of self-righteousness is exploited by those who love to self-identify as perpetual victims, those without integrity who relish in being rewarded for their victimhood privilege with the prize of pity. But it takes someone without dignity to accept being pitied, and then have the gall to feel animosity towards his benefactor, for being condescended with the same charity he sought and accepted.
“Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow citizens.”
- Adam Smith
Self-righteous guilt
The Westerner puts on a pretentious performance of rushing to the victim’s rescue without even having been invited. The Westerner even presumes to be aggrieved and offended on behalf of his precious “victims.”
And what is the result?
The Westerner’s pretensions sense of self-righteous moralist “superiority” makes him guilt-based, and therefore extremely susceptible to guilt manipulation. It only takes a deceiver to insinuate that the Westerner is being immoral, and the Westerner bends over backward to kowtow to the deceiver, just to prove perceived piety. The manipulator deliberately withholds his approval of his victims’ “morality” until the victims bend to his will. Note that manipulators using guilt tend to not share the same moral values as the values they demand their victims to live up to. The pot calls the kettle black, and the kettle breaks its back to prove to the pot that it isn’t black at all; the irony.
Victim = villain
Nothing breeds evil more than self-righteous victimhood. See how the ethnic group that gets the victimhood gold medal since 1945 is now committing literal war atrocities live on media, and doesn’t even bother to hide it. This isn’t random. When people identify with their victimhood - and the self-righteous grievance that comes with it - they feel they are justified in doing anything to anyone in the name of escaping their victimhood.
The bottom line
Look at how Western politicians are judged by their naive populace; not by their despicable actions, but by their moralizing words. A politician can surround himself with the worst kind of genocidal maniacs, pedophiles, and technocratic socialist fascists, but all he has to do is recite a few generic, vapid, and virtuous phrases, and the public will rally behind him, making up excuses for him as he goes.
I have always said that there is no migrant crisis in the West; there is a welfare abuse problem. Welfare, this passive-aggressive condescending charity, this self-righteous pity, this insult to human dignity comes from this Western self-righteousness; this pathological need to be pious, to be morally superior to all, even if it means becoming submissive and exploited.
No one can exploit you without your permission. And in the case of the Westerner with his sick twisted faux-altruism expressed in socialist welfare policies, the Westerner is the patsy of foreigners who just take what they can get. The irony is that those foreigners will never feel grateful for this patronizing charity, this disrespectful act of pity that wounds their self-esteem. And they’re right to feel this way. They deep-down know that taking the free lunch renders them reliant upon handouts, and costs them dignity and self-respect. The beggar remains debilitated by his own comfort, the temptation of the convenience of the scraps from someone else’s table; the smug mercy of condescending philanthropy.
This obsessive need to advertise perceived moral superiority is going to be the West’s undoing. The Westerner fails to understand that other cultures don’t value pretentious piety as much he does. So, he is doomed to be vulnerable, exposing himself to exploitation, and provoking animosity against himself for his moral pontificating; his inquisitive ethical interventions, his presumptuous moral “superiority,” his passive-aggressive condescension against his “inferior” savages.
I’ll leave you with this thought:
“Give a man a free fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Ancient proverb. Unknown origin.
This axiom means that you should not just give people what they want for free, and expect them to improve their situation. Dispensing free handouts grants you permission to feel good about yourself, but is also reinforces the receiver’s debilitating self-image as a useless loser, an undignified pathetic beggar who can’t achieve anything by himself. Plus, you condition him to stay reliant on you (secretly, that’s what your insecure pride wants, isn’t it?).
There is nothing more debilitating for someone than for you to validate his victimhood identity. Yes, verify his misfortune, and give him credit for what he’s going through, but also show your belief in him to emerge out of it, given the right opportunity.
If you want to help him (truly help him), then you can simply give him the opportunity to get what he wants himself. This is empowering to him. Give him the benefit of the doubt that he can make it, that he isn’t a powerless victim without your handouts. If he refuses the opportunity, and instead insists on demanding free handouts, then he does not deserve anyone’s help, nor your self-serving guilt for not helping him.
“I refuse to treat you as a victim.”
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time. All my work here is free.
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I think that your brush paints too broadly. Western Civilization deserves more than some reverence and must not be viewed out of context or with the hindsight of modern civilization. That is the fallacy of presentism.
I do agree with your assessment of where we are today. I love your outrage and passion. Thank you for your work.