Islam is inherently matriarchal. When Muslim males oppress women, they do it on behalf of other Muslim women. Shocker, I know; it’s contrary to what you thought you knew about Islam. Muslims themselves will claim that Islam is patriarchal. But is it?
Hear me out…
The West cannot understand Islam
Naive guilt-based Westerners have trouble understanding Islam. They condescendingly treat it as a ‘noble savage’ because of their guilt of seeing it as an uncivilized backward-thinking manifestation of aggressive toxic masculinity. Westerners experience Islam as patriarchal oppression of women, even though Islam emerged at a time and place where women outnumbered men 4 to 1 (male infant mortality, war, etc.) - why else would Islamic polygamy (one male providing for four females) be sanctioned by Islamic texts? It was a way to sort out the women who would otherwise go unmarried and unprotected.
Confusing? I haven’t even started yet…
Yes, the Westerner, with his pretentious self-righteous guilt and self-hating concepts of pretentious egalitarianism and feminism, considers Islam to be male-dominated, and thus totally incompatible with Western delusions of female empowerment. Yet, if you’ve had the opportunity to truly experience Middle Eastern cultures, you may have noticed how dictatorial, oppressive and toxically feminine Muslim women can be with their males (unbeknownst to their males). Eastern males cannot endure that Eastern-style shaming manipulation that only women can so effectively wield; the kind of shaming that only a shame-based mother can pass on to her sons, thus priming them for a life of shame-taming by toxic femininity.
The pretend-oppressed female plays her role as the victim while she uses her indirect shaming tactics to manipulate weak males to do her bidding. A woman only needs mention how well her girlfriends are treated by their rival-male husbands, and most males would jump at the opportunity to one-up them.
“But that doesn’t make sense,” I hear you say. “Muslim women are forced to cover themselves in uncomfortable clothing in the damn heat, and they are beaten (or worse) when they fail to abide by Islamic rules that dictate female behaviour.”
Yes, indeed. Muslim women are oppressed… by other Muslim women, with Muslim males as their enforcers. It’s the female busybodies oppressing each other, and it’s hard to escape this self-imposed slavery. Go to any UAE or Saudi mall, and notice those foxy Arab women pretending to cover their body with a sexy skin-tight abaya. But the provocatively red high heels and the masked face should be dead giveaways that they aren’t really trying to be modest; they are being discreet. Covering their faces is a way to go wherever they want, and do whatever they want with whomever they want while avoiding Eastern gossip and shaming tactics of social control - all while pretending to be “modest,” when modesty is just their plausible deniability; their alibi. Convenient for women, isn’t it?
Muslim Marxism
To understand Islam, one must first understand the psychology behind Marxism.
There’s this communist joke:
“A Soviet man dies, and goes to Hell. He is greeted by Satan who offers him an onboarding tour of Hell. Satan shows him Hell’s massive cauldrons of fire in which millions of people burn and suffer for eternity. On and around the rim of each cauldron stand countless demons with pitchforks pushing back into the fire all the damned trying to escape their torment. Satan explains that each cauldron represents one nationality. The damned enter the cauldron of their earthly country so that they can get some comfort from suffering with their own people.
When Satan and the newly deceased man arrive at the Soviet cauldron, the man can’t help but notice that the Soviets aren’t guarded by any demons with pitchforks. No one is there to keep them inside the cauldron of fire. They are free to leave, but they don’t for some reason. Naturally, the man asks Satan why the Soviet cauldron is not guarded by demons. Satan laughs and explains that there is no need; whenever a single Soviet tries to escape, the others pull him back in to suffer with the rest. This is communism.”
This is socialist/communist/Marxist mentality (I won’t play the semantics game with these terms). Marxism is about welcoming your own damnation as long as your neighbour gets to suffer too. It is the result of infinite envy that can only be mitigated by a scorched earth mentality: “if I can’t be happy, then let everyone be as unhappy as I am.”
Marxism is hating your neighbour more than you love yourself. The Marxist’s delight from schadenfreude is slightly greater than his own willing suffering. Marxism is a Samson tactic: “I’d rather we both died than tolerate seeing you better off than me, even if that means both of us living.”
In terms of the female side of Islam: What’s some pretentious and bearable oppression when women get to mitigate their insufferable female jealousy through it? Some willing female self-oppression is small price to pay to alleviate the torment of female envy. “I’ll cover myself, but I’ll rest knowing that the other girls are covered too,” thinks the Muslim feminist. She then has nothing to be jealous about.
This is Islamic matriarchy. It is women oppressing each other - with the use of manipulable male lapdogs - so that no woman steps out of line. No woman gets to show off and monopolize male attention. No woman gets to be better than the rest. They are all equal - equally unattractive and inaccessible. Islam is female envy management.
This is why I keep saying that Islam is Marxist at its core (or Marxism is Islamic). Islam and Marxism alike are the concepts of leveling uniformity, the envy-driven crushing of the ariston to sink to the depths of the kakiston. When all are equally unworthy, no one is envious; and no one strives to improve. Everyone is content in equal mediocrity (levelled kakistocracy). Islam and Marxism are fundamentally envy-management systems.
Islamic feminism
Feminism, an offshoot of Marxism, is also about subduing the most valuable women, so that the less valuable women can manage their envy. Feminism is about levelling female attractiveness to equally low standards so that none can ever be better, thus all are content with being equally bad.
Feminism makes the top attractive women feel victimized by men. It turns them against the men who love them. It twists femininity into “male exploitation” or “pandering to patriarchy,” so that women reject it. Feminism brainwashes women to believe that they are weak oppressed objects, causing insecurity and insufferable emotional imbalance that make them unattractive. Feminism teaches women to reject their femininity by pretending to be male caricatures while destroying their natural beauty with awful feminist appearances and demeanors.
Remember the 2017 Women's March when the hijab was portrayed to be a symbol of female empowerment rather than oppression?
I’m sure you wondered then how an ideology that is so oppressive of women can be fused in an unholy alliance with the indignant estrogen-filled female supremacy of screeching feminism. However, if you see it from the perspective of Islamic matriarchy, you’ll see that the hijab is indeed a symbol of female empowerment - just not for all females. The hijab is empowerment of the lesser females to take the higher-value females out of competition. It’s making all women equally unattractive and inaccessible so that none need show their value, or at least try to improve it.
Not only are feminism and Islam compatible, but they are also both founded on toxic shame-based matriarchy.
Islam would have not been sustainable without the willing complicity of women. On the surface, Islam seems to treat women unfairly. But after clearer examination, one sees how Islam benefits insecure jealous women; especially of the Eastern shame-based persuasion. By disallowing the prettiest of women to show off and monopolize attention, the rest of the mediocre women (the majority) get to enjoy peace of mind knowing that all women are seen as equal (equally unattractive). When all women are covered and restricted, there are no overt comparisons of physical appearance, and there are very few things that a Muslim woman can do to differentiate herself with her own USP. No cat-calling men, no male attention.
In the same way, feminism is really about the unattractive women hating on the attractive women. Feminism tries to make all women unattractive, so that the already unattractive can mitigate their jealousy. There are no attractive feminists. Even if you do find a physically attractive feminist, her insufferableness will more than cancel out her physical appearance. She knows this, so she must hate on the women with more overall value to offer. A feminist must use feminist propaganda to make quality women hate the men that would do anything for them. She must make the quality women reject their qualities and destroy their beauty with tattoos, piercings, stupid hairstyles and off-putting behaviors. This way, feminists drag down all women to the same level of unattractiveness. This is how insecure women manage their female jealousy. This is exactly what female-centric Islam does.
The original Muslim matriarch
Let’s face it; it was the false prophet Mohammed’s sugar mamma that made Islam in her image. Without the rich-and-powerful matriarch - Khadija “the mother of believers” - Islam would never have existed. At the time, young Mohammed, a pederast slave-owning warlord opportunist, was quick to follow his elder wife’s influence. It was her patronage that made him from a deadbeat gigolo into a warlord and promiser of a sex-obsessed debaucherous paradise to attract fanatic incel soldiers. Khadija, through the scam artist Mohamed, turned her female envy into a violently enforceable social framework. And, conveniently enough, it was only after her death the Mohamed preached polygamy. We wouldn’t want Khadija to feel jealous now, would we?
Yes, women do suffer under Islam, but they would suffer more if women were free to show off their attractiveness. Under such circumstances, their female envy would be even more “oppressive.”
This video is what female envy looks like - a woman feels jealous of and threatened by a mannequin no less:
“What are you saying? That it’s beneficial to women to beat them when their hair is publicly visible?”
I’m saying that beating into submission a woman who shows off her charm is beneficial to the other jealous women. If they get to cover, then why shouldn’t she? Why should she one-up the rest and get more male attention? It is women who are furious with women, not men. Male enforcers (white knights) just do the bidding of the female matriarchy that seeks to subdue the rebellious women who want to step out of line and outcompete the rest.
This is how women benefit from Islam: it takes out the competition, and in extension, mitigates their insufferable jealousy.
“But in Islam, one man can marry four wives. How is this not oppressive towards women?”
Four women marrying one guy - rich enough to maintain four wives - is clearly something in favour of women, especially in a time when men were scarce (and even today). Islam is clear that a man can marry as many women as he wants as long as he has the resources to provide for each of them - including a house for each one. He is allowed many women as long as he is able to give each wife what she needs.
How is this any different from non-Muslim societies where the top-dog celebrities, politicians, billionaires and rockstars get to have as many women as they want at the same time? The only difference is the hypocrisy of monogamy. Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, JFK, Elon Musk, UFC star Sean O’Malley, and every single rockstar since the inception of stringed instruments have always maintained multiple women, in the knowledge of their “main wife” no less. In Islam too there is the “main wife” and the secondary ones. How is this any different other than Muslims being a bit more honest about top alpha males reserving the privilege of having multiple women?
And most women, it seems, have no problem sharing an alpha rich popular male than to have a mediocre man all for themselves. Their female envy is less because apparently it’s more of an achievement for them to have a piece of the alpha than to have a whole beta.
Plus, when women share a man, they share their duties to him. They get all the resources a single wife deserves, but with shared obligations. Polygamous wives get to split down their duties to him while they can each focus on their duties to their own children. How is that not in favour of women?
Also, when the woman covers her beauty, the man has less interest in her. He needs to spend less time with her. She gets to spend more time with herself and her children. She has more time with the sons. She gets to pass on to them her values and female-centric narratives. She gets to make her sons in her image. She is the man of the house.
“But it is Muslim men who are jealous and insecure, and therefore impose all those restrictions on their women.”
Indeed, men can get insecure and overprotective of their wives and daughters, and thus impose restrictions on them. But I’m here to assert that this mentality was instilled in them by their matriarch mothers. Men in general love to boast about and show off their woman. A trophy wife is an alpha achievement. The hotter she is, the more street credit and respect he gets from others (men and women). This is why escorts exist - you rent one to escort you to a networking event where you want to present yourself as an alpha worth associating with.
Sure, a man might get jealous when others look at her. He knows that she might get the idea that she can do better than him; but who’s to say which instinct it stronger? I know of men who have married literal strippers, prostitutes and porn stars just because they think that a hot woman earns them respect. Sure, his woman’s moral bankruptcy and promiscuity offsets the respect he gets for her hotness, but let’s be real: if he could have both morality and hotness, he’d probably want to show off both.
Let’s face it: much to men’s eternal shame, most males seem to go for hotness over chastity, which is why women focus so much on physical attractiveness rather than modesty. This means that males’ need to show off their trophy woman offsets their jealousy when other men drool over her.
Some may say that a woman showing off her hotness is immoral. But that’s not true. A woman can show her hair and some skin and still maintain her feminine inhibition (as long as she is not dressed up as a needy whore). A woman who is chaste only because she has no choice is not really chaste at all. That’s not meaningful morality; it’s compliance and submission to threats of violence and/or threats of shaming and ostracism. No threat-based “morality” is meaningful. For morality to be meaningful, one must have the option to be immoral and get away with it, and still choose to be moral.
“Islam is patriarchal.”
You might say that “masculinity” may manifest in an extremely aggressive, toxic and anti-masculine insecure way when inspired by Islam. The innumerable historic instances of Islamic holy war (jihad), cowardly suicide bombings, and ISIS & Taliban useful idiot incels working for their CIA handlers, are all behaviors directly inspired by Islam. But this doesn’t prove that Islam is patriarchal. This kind of unmanly male is a weak insecure manlet. He is rejected by all women, and is desperate to prove his “manhood” because he knows he doesn’t have any. Only such a weakling would mindlessly join a collectivist cause and murder/die for a naive faux tribal identity. This is the same as the “single-mom” gang member, the “helicopter-mother” incel, the “smothering-mother” repressed homosexual.
While Muslim fathers imagine themselves as being tough and in control, it’s the wives that get to influence their husbands using Eastern-style shame manipulation; it’s mothers that get to mold the minds of their sons to be manipulable to their future wives. The mothers are the men of the house.
Key takeaways
This is my theory: The Islamic oppression of women is not Muslim men oppressing all women. It’s the jealous women manipulating men into oppressing other women. From this perspective, it makes perfect sense that Western feminists show such sympathy for Muslim men. Muslim men are easier to manipulate using shame and fear.
So, as long as a woman exerts the minimal effort of covering up in public, she gets to manhandle her male servant to support her and, most importantly, to alleviate her female jealousy by forcing other (potentially better) women to cover up too. In essence, Islam is communism: communists don’t mind being in hell as long as they know their neighbour is in hell also. Communism is for people who hate others more than they love themselves; people who derive more pleasure from the suffering of others than they do pain from their own torment. Islam and communism alike are envy management systems: “nobody feels jealous when we are equally miserable.”
Muslim women are complicit in their Islamic oppression. They embrace Islam because it puts their female envy at rest. If all the women are equally covered, then they don’t have to feel jealous of each other. The pretty ones don’t get to dominate male attention. The average and ugly ones don’t have to work out or keep themselves pretty, because female beauty standards are kept low.
Yes, Islam is feminist. Islam is Marxist.
The power of matriarchies lies in the false narrative that women are oppressed when in fact they are oppressors.
Thank you for reading.
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My target audience is people who haven’t been born yet.
Very interesting and provocative idea. It's clear that some women prefer the current state of affairs in cultural Islam. My read of the situation is that, while living in an inherently patriarchal society (here I'm referring to laws of inheritance that favor males and cultural norms and practices along those lines, etc.), some muslim women have done what they can to subvert that using less than explicit means while generally staying within the bounds of sharia. Quite effectively, as you've pointed out.
Freedom is difficult and most don’t know how to function with freedom; they would rather be told what to do……it can seem easier. But I knew someone that was a contractor over in Afghanistan, he told me about a scene he had to investigate…….a teenage girl in a shallow grave, her born child still attached to her by the umbilical cord…….her crime…….being raped by her uncle, became pregnant and was killed to maintain the honor of the family………I wonder why some Eastern men feel it’s ok to diddle little girls…..oh, that’s right…….their prophet married a child and had sex with her when she was 9.