Excellent perspective

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Thank you. It's demonstrable

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How sheeple can listen to government isnt beyond me. Want to be a success? Whatever government says do the exact opposite. They want you dead or in a pen

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Somebody has got to call it out! So many of us sniffed it out from the start and they had a plan for that too! Get society to turn on us like well programmed robots with the propaganda they swallowed 24/7! It was a mind fuck! And now that 5 years has passed, ignorance must be truly bliss! Cause it’s like collective amnesia, nobody remembers us warning them and we certainly will never expect to hear a thank you, you were right!

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Yes. The whole covid experience was an eye opener, mainly about the human condition, and how despicable as a species we can be.

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It certainly was! It definitely gave all of humanity an opportunity to really deeply reflect and analyse everything in our reality. It handed it on a silver platter for us, but sadly not many of us still took that opportunity to unlearn and learn

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I agree it was total scam but I see no evidence of their having been any actual new virus at all - the symptoms of so called 'covid 19' were created by a fake pcr test which enabled them to claim anyone with the sniffles had 'covid' (99 percent false positive rate test), the scaremongering helped fuel peoples symptoms through the power of suggestion, then they killed off the elderly and disabled with a combination of chucking the sick and vulnerable back into care homes from hospitals with reduced staffing and they used the vaccine to kill off some and the treatment protocols such as remdesivir and ventilators got rid of more - absolutely no need for any new virus , those who apoear3d to have covid badly simply had influenza A as the test could not distinguish between so called Sars cov 2 and influenza A

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Does it matter whether the virus existed or not? Is it worth arguing over and dividing ourselves? The point is they lied, used propaganda to gaslight us, used fear to insanely increase money supply and state powers, and then pushed an experimental unsafe ineffective injection. Whether viruses exist or not is truly irrelevant, and I suggest you are skeptical of those pushing division over this.

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I haven't suggested that viruses do not exist, j just stated that one particular virus namely the claim that 'Sars cov 2' is the cause of the symptoms of 'covid' has no evidence to support it. It is important to highlight that the only new virus was fear itself because otherwise they will repeat the same scam with another fake pcr test claiming a more deadly virus and yet again people will believe it and they will then comply with more fake vaccine and lockdown 'solutions'

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Whether it doesn’t exist or it exist but was mild and exaggerated brought false case/death attribution, does it matter?

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a scam

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Kudos to the doctors and scientists who were questioning the narrative (specifically with regard to the severity of the virus and the evil of lockdowns) very early on, including John Ioannidis, Sucharit Bhakdi, Jay Bhattacharya, Knut Wittkowski, and a few others. The rest can go pound sand.


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There is no virus. Just fraudulent testing and insane amounts of propaganda.

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Unfortunately, the virus they blamed everything on seems to exist. They needed an alibi.

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We'll have to disagree on that.

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Fair enough. Consider though that the "no viruses" claim is likely a state psyop to discredit all dissent.

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@James True

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this is Covid

Permanent Emergency State WORLD government controlled:


You’re welcome.

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You have mental health problems.

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I struck a nerve.

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Would you like to explain your comment, or do you seek to remain immature with such a comment.

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What makes you think that either of you deserve a proper response?

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Pardon me, I erred my comment was directed at Roscoe.

When dealing with a thinking cognizant flesh and blood man a proper response should not be unexpected.....besides why would you, I or anyone else give any other type of response than a proper response.

You write too much good stuff to be a dick, don't be a dick!

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