In late 2019 to early 2020, Chinese media were marketing staged videos of random people supposedly collapsing and spasming in the streets… allegedly due to a “novel coronavirus.” Those instances were demonstrably fake. No sudden collapse, no spasming, no sudden death… none of these were associated with the later-named SARS-CoV-2 virus strain, nor its syndrome COVID-19. It was all fearmongering.
The case of Hong Kong
It’s most likely that China purposefully released this engineered and novel (yet mild and easily treatable) virus, then used propaganda tools to trigger unwarranted fear.
To quell the 2019 Hong Kong protests… and it worked.
It was just too convenient and improbable for a “dangerous” virus to appear at just the right time and place to not raise eyebrows. It’s too suspicious. Couple this with the demonstrable fact of deliberate and proven fearmongering propaganda by the Chinese government, and you’ve got almost absolute certainty that this was all a deliberate hoax: a mild virus made to look much more dangerous than it really was. And all to crush opposition. I wonder if the “Spanish flu” right after WW1, or the “Typhus epidemic” at the end of WW2 had similar objectives. (or the alleged “polio outbreak” in Gaza, as of late August 2024 - weren’t vaccines credited for eradicating polio?).
Conflicting narratives
While China was fearmongering about this novel coronavirus, the rest of the world’s media were debunking China’s dire claims about this pathogen. The world could see it was all bullshit. Non-Chinese media and government “authorities” were pointing out that China was exaggerating and fearmongering, and that COVID-19 was - in their own words - “just a flu.”
China’s fearmongering made no sense. It was impossible to contain such an easily transmissible virus in China and Hong Kong alone for so many months since its discovery. Plus, the more transmissible a pathogen is, the less lethal it is - this is basic virology and common sense. If it truly were as transmissible as it was claimed to be, then it would have easily migrated to the whole world, given people’s mobility in and out of China. Yet we were expected to believe that, for months since its discovery, it only plagued China and Hong Kong.
And the virus wasn’t really contained at all. It was so transmissible and so mild that nobody had noticed that the whole world was already infected by 2020. Only when mass obsessive testing was implemented in early 2020 did we miraculously discover the “first” cases in every other country too. And given the oversensitive PCR tests with insanely high cycles, tests came positive with people who had already been infected months ago and overcame it without even noticing it.
Only when false death attributions were made a norm by WHO guidelines did we miraculously see inaccurate and exaggerated death tolls… not to mention deliberate murder of people under forced respiration and lethal remdesivir intake, all then blamed on COVID.
The narrative switch
And then, in early 2020, the whole world suddenly switched the narrative from ridiculing China’s dire claims to taking this new coronavirus very very seriously.
Why the delay? What were they waiting for?
It’s safe to theorize that they were waiting to see if China would be able to pull off this grand psyop of a mild virus, oversensitive testing, false case/death attribution, and mass fearmongering, enough for massive anti-government protests to willingly retreat. And it worked. People are truly that dumb, cowardly and gullible. They question government, yet they blindly believe the same government. All it takes is a few washed-up TV actors clumsily pretending to collapse on the street.
Once special interests saw China’s successful psychological operation with the COVID scamdemic, they knew they could also succeed doing the same, and get away with it.
To recap: In 2019, the whole world - and the international banks that run it - dismissed the false covid narrative until they could see that China could pull it off. Let Chinese government lose credibility in case their COVID scam backfires.
But when we saw that China could successfully convince even the agitated Hong Kong protestors to lock down and mask up - essentially quelling the Hong Kong protests for good - then other interest groups decided to piggyback on the psyop for their own political interests: massive spending, deflationary economic suppression, psychological taming of the population, medical tyranny, unethical medical experimentation.
The COVID narrative vs. COVID reality
What was the COVID narrative?
COVID was allegedly this world-ending threat that justified full authoritarian dictatorships, the arbitrary suspension of all human liberties, the total decimation and centralization of the world economy, and the throwing out of all decency and morality. It was such a “bad virus” that it could infect everyone at any time, even if they had no contact with anyone. If you didn’t wear a mask in the shower, you’d then “kill grandma.” If you didn’t take the unsafe ineffective experimental injection, you were the same as a terrorist.
And what was COVID really?
The COVID scare was an untrue narrative based on false case/death attribution, relentless propaganda, and murderous hospitalization protocols involving prolonged unnecessary respiration and lethal remdesivir protocols.
That’s all it was; a scamdemic based on arbitrarily assigned “threat levels” and completely paranoid risk assessments, perpetuated by flat-out murdering people with the response: lockdowns, forced masking, forced respiration, hazardous experimental injections, deterioration of mental health, and prohibition of actual remedies (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamin D, zinc, sun exposure, fresh air, good mental health).
The case of Turkey
Remember how Turkey was the last country to report any COVID cases? A vast country of over 80 million, with giant international airports between Asia and Europe through which millions pass each month, was miraculously spared the COVID plague for months…
Some may say that Turkey, being a dictatorship, was media-blackouting its COVID infections to save face.
But with a deeper geopolitical understanding of Turkish politics, with historical context, you’ll notice how Turkish autocrats tend to never play ball with foreign politics unless they get significant rewards for it. In other words, they play hard to get, pretend not to play along, even threaten to expose fragile narratives, until they receive favorable compensation for their cooperation. It would be impossible to pull off the COVID scam if a big country like Turkey refused to play along. People would notice and ask questions. Turkish officials understood this, so they played their negotiating advantage as the last country to be “convinced” to play along the COVID narrative of false case/death attribution.
The history of Turkey shows this attitude time and time again. For example, Turkey is uncompromising with its Kurdish minority issue. Turkey purposefully maintains a difficult and unreasonable negotiating stance with its EU entry application. Turkey maintains an uncompromising stance with the territories it has violently seized in Syria and Cyprus. Turkey refuses to sign the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and does not recognize the globally respected 12-mile rule. Turkey maintains disputes over internationally recognized territories and EEZs. And these are but few of key international treaties and conventions that Turkey refuses to acknowledge to this day.
It is no coincidence that the Turkish regime was the last to adopt the COVID narrative. And yes, it was nothing but a narrative, rather than objective truth. For a negotiating tzar like Turkey, it would require significant leverage to get Turkish autocrats to play ball.
Another example is Turkey’s veto against Sweden and Finland’s NATO application in 2022. Turkey never accepts something without something in return… so it plays hard to get to not miss the opportunity for an advantage.
Turkish politicians tend to negotiate with Eastern-bazaar bargaining tricks: they pretend to be uncooperative so that they can up the price for their compromise. With every negotiation, Turkey is always the hardest and the last to agree; playing hard to get improves their negotiating position. It’s unethical but it works. Non-Easterners tend to fall for such dishonest street bargaining…
This is likely what happened with Turkey’s late adoption of the false COVID narrative: they delayed their agreement and played hard to get so that they could receive the most benefits from the COVID scamdemic money-printing, funding benefits, and selective monopoly-inducing restrictions.
In essence, in early 2020, Turks were not falsely attributing cases or deaths to COVID as loosely as the rest of the world did. This meant that they were not on board with the false COVID narrative… until they were. The special interests behind the COVID false narrative must have given in to Turkey, since Turkey finally accepted to falsely attribute cases and deaths, fully adopting the deceitful unscientific COVID scamdemic narrative. One can only guess what Turkish politicians managed to extract as reward to do this to their own people.
COVID Economics
The covid psyop was the perfect crime for justifying a drastic increase in money supply while keeping inflation somewhat in check via lockdowns and restrictions (deflationary economic suppression). The year 2020 saw the greatest increase in the number of billionaires worldwide, and the greatest increase in billionaire wealth. It also saw the fastest and largest money-supply increases in history. The banking cartel could get away with such audacious money-supply increases because they knew they could control inflation with “justified” and “accepted” restrictions and lockdowns, not to mention wide-spread fear that almost completely paralyzed transport, trade and markets in general.
The lowest incomes got to pay the price for this money-printing and economy-suppressing scam. They lost work, income, savings and purchasing power. Let us not mention the psychological trauma of the COVID psyop that has forever eroded the human spirit.
The COVID black page in history
In broad historical context, we can see the COVID narrative for what it really was: yet another scam, a hoax perpetuated by special interests to violently extract wealth from a terrorized population. In case you’re wondering how such an elaborate scam was carried out successfully, consider how entire systems of government and finance, blindly adopted by billions of scared naive people, are to this day founded on propaganda, lies, and bluffs of “authority.”
This is how they pulled the covid scam:
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Excellent perspective
How sheeple can listen to government isnt beyond me. Want to be a success? Whatever government says do the exact opposite. They want you dead or in a pen