How to manufacture a pandemic
A short checklist for aspiring technocrats, theocrats & other shamans
Engineer a mild pathogen with a distinct symptom for recognizability (e.g. taste loss).
Falsely attribute cases/deaths via arbitrary interpretation of what constitutes sickness or cause of death from the pathogen, completely disregarding other underlying afflictions.
Obsessively test healthy people, corpses, animals, and even sewage to pump up the falsely attributed case/death numbers, and spread unwarranted fear.
Flat-out murder patients by using arbitrary and lethal hospitalizations protocols (forced prolonged respiration with extremely dangerous and poor-track-record Remdesivir), then blame it on the pathogen to pump up numbers even more.
Create funding incentives to buy off the entire academic parasitical class. Fund “research” on said pathogen, and then watch them all fall in line with the false narrative. Punish the few who resist with ostracism, cancelling, and loss of employment. Then claim that “all scientists agree” or that “the science is settled.”
Leverage media assets to spread fear using stock footage of actors playing doctors in distress, or irrelevant footage of mass graves in New York that have nothing to do with the pathogen. Create funding opportunities for supposed “patients” to “share their story on social media,” thus creating incentives for mass deception. Flood media with fear mongering as well as easily debunkable conspiracy theories to discredit all dissent.
Shut down any objections with appeals to authority from the bought-and-paid-for Academic Inquisition of Scientism. Employ deceptive “fact” checkers to shut down skepticism via straw men and other fallacies used by propagandists. “Fact” checkers may even spread easily debunkable nonsense anonymously to then debunk themselves and appear credible, when they are not.
Demonize the skeptics and dissenters via relentless propaganda-driven fear mongering. This division and distrust drives the masses to hopelessly rest their hopes on the state, blindly trusting it out of desperation, fear and lack of options.
Force people to wear surgical masks for hours on end, thus promoting general illness for increased falsely attributes cases.
Close down gyms and hospitals, and deny people healthcare and health screenings to further pump up numbers. Delay cancer treatments and blame it all on the pathogen. By now it’s easy to attribute almost any death to the pathogen.
Print trillions of dollars & euros, supposedly for “pandemic relief,” then keep inflation somewhat in check by suppressing the economy with lockdowns and restrictions.
Rush a remedy like an experimental injection, falsely claim it to be “safe & effective” without the breadth nor depth of data scientifically required to make such a bold claim, then blame adverse reactions on an imaginary “long pathogen” condition. All this increased illness constitutes people more reliant upon state-run healthcare, and thus more manipulable and obedient. Moreover, the reduced life expectancy from the above steps relieves social insurance costs.
Academics spend more time applying for funding than actually researching. They value money more than actual science and truth.
Event 201 in a nutshell.
You pretty much covered everything.