All the machismo and bravado associated with the military are just propaganda to lure in insecure unmanly males in desperate need of proving themselves as men because they are not. Real men don’t need the external validation of good-boy stars on gay gimp suits, nor the cringe-worthy military performances begging for cheap applause by impressionable jolly morons.
Welcome to another rant on the gayness of the military, something that was forced on many, either through conscription (draft) or army glorification propaganda.
There is no glory, nor valor, nor respect owed to any military; the despicable organization that sends you to die as cannon fodder over petty disputes between people who’ll never see battle. Yet, the braindead obedient pawns who serve as enforcers for fat corrupt tyrants might even be worse than the fat corrupt tyrants themselves.
Fuck the military. Fuck everyone who loves and respects the military.
In my rant ‘The military is gay [Part 1],’ I illustrated some of the experiences I was forced to endure as an army conscript. It took me a while to get over the “army = manly” brainwashing, even though the cognitive dissonance had been there since the beginning. On my first day in the army - hell, in my first hour - they made us stand in attention fully naked in front of a bunch of eyeballing army officers - for a needlessly prolonged time. I remember them eyeing us, giggling at us, laughing at us, whispering to each other over us. I always took that as just a humiliation tactic to break us, and then make us again into the subservient identity of the obedient useful-idiot soldier, the patsy who is egged on to go die in a ditch like the sucker he is. But there was more than just that: it was quite literally a tactic by gays in power.
Military flirtations
One thing I missed in my first rant on the military was one of the most shocking experiences I had to endure in the military: the desperate need of many of the supposed “men” in uniform to show off their “masculinity” to other males, especially to us: the reluctant conscripts, who were much younger than them. Many of us were 17 years old. I had turned 18 two days prior. And I had gimps in their 40s and 50s playing macho to scare us, and maybe, to impress us. So pathetic were they that they needed impressions by scared young boys. Yes, they were all gay, every single last one of them. Be gay if you will, but be honest about it.
These maggots would force us to stand in attention for hours on end to hear them brag about supposed “achievements.” They would brandish their physiology, their military “accomplishments,” their insignia, their positions of power, and even their personal issues and frustrations, like it girls’ club.
They would peacock to other males harder than they ever would to any female. And this is what a military uniform really is: an apparatus of peacocking “position,” “achievement,” and imagined “status.” In fact, a military uniform is just a gimp suit of submission to fat corrupt politicians and their lobbyists. There is nothing more embarrassing than a military uniform, the Halloween costume of the submissive, the coward, the obedient dog, the useful patsy, the masochist who relishes being dominated by other males, and calls it “valor” and “glory.” Give me a fucking break. The only glory in the military can be found in the holes in the bathroom walls.
These military types showing off to us… it was almost like they were literally flirting with us, showing off to us, trying to make themselves look cool in front of their “inferiors.” This is typical male flirting behavior. What compelled them to act this way? Why would a grown male choose to spend most of his time among other males, and then eagerly use his position to desperately try to impress other males; and doing this with more vigor and determination than he would to impress a female?
I don’t care if you condemn me as a “homophobe.” I use the term ‘gay’ interchangeably to characterize the military: first quite literally, and second, as the gay caricature to satirize the desperate-for-validation machismo of repressed homosexuals-in-denial, who believe they can overcompensate for their insecurity in their masculinity with faux bravado. Men with dignity don’t need to advertise their good-boy awards and insignia; men don’t pathetically announce to the world their “accomplishments.” And third, I muse the term as something “gay,” as in ‘uncool and retarded.’
Mostly, I literally mean that the military is indeed homo-erotic, and all military “leadership” is made of closet homosexuals cosplaying as the caricature of the uber-Chad straight guy, as they fantasize about him.
History of military gayness
Male-to-male sexual violence as a form of torture and intimidation against male prisoners of war has been extremely widespread throughout history. Yes, the idea alone of being raped is terrifying, but the perpetrators must have sexual stimulus and aesthetic desire for their victims, otherwise, their instruments won’t function.
Is it the same explanation as prison?… that when males spend all their time among males, they will eventually turn gay? At least prisoners do not choose to be in prison, unlike the military types who freely choose to be in the military.
The historical instances are endless. Let’s check but a few.
During the Second World War, Moroccan soldiers (under the French forces no less) raped Italian prisoners of war (2000 women and 600 men).1
Perhaps the most well-documented case is the systematic rape of females and males by Israeli soldiers in the ongoing war in Gaza.2
Turkish soldiers systematically raped male prisoners of war after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 (Midnight Express-style)34
Historical accounts record the Ottoman Turks’ systematic habit of raping girls and boys as part of their military intimidation tactics, especially during and after the sack of Constantinople5678
Roman soldiers have engaged in raping males - and often “inspecting their bodies” with homo-erotic descriptions910
I could go on and on about historical instances involving the military-themed rape of males by every ethnicity, in every era. But I thought I’d stop there because the mere act of searching and reading these accounts makes me sick.
The fact that forced gayness is used in prisons and militaries alike as an instrument of submission by intimidation goes do show that a male’s willing submission, his voluntary subservience to “authority” structures and calling it a virtue is undeniably and quite literally a homosexual act. And that would have been fine with gays doing their thing, except that those military deny their gayness, and instead purport that they are the epitome of straightness and macho-man masculinity. No. Uniformed homosexuals in denial don’t get to define what is masculinity. At best, they define the elements of needy, insecure, and desperate bravado, the faux pretentious caricature of true masculinity.
Let’s consider the appearance of these military types. From my experience as a reluctant conscript, I noticed that they either had weirdly bloated bellies, or gay waxed beach bodies without that any shred of manliness or hard work; nothing in between. And you can tell what kind of body is earned through hardship, and which is made easily in globo-homo-gym pumping. I’ve met carpenters and builders - who have never stepped in a gym - with much more impressive physiques.
I’ve never met any military type with an impressive physique. At best, there were the oiled-up roid freaks with waxed legs who missed no opportunity to take off their shirt half-naked or to stay fully naked in changing rooms for an unnecessarily prolonged time. Nothing impressive there.
More flirtations
As I grow older, I recognize the pathetic demeanor in which these military types act. No one who is on good terms with who he is feels the need to behave this way: to exploit his circumstantial position of perceived and institutional “power” to berate others in a desperate attempt to elevate himself from his pathetic low self-image.
I’ll repeat that shocking first-day experience in the army when we, the recruits of the day, were forced to stand in attention, completely naked in front of an unnecessarily large number of “officers,” and for an unnecessarily long period. These “officers” were gleefully leering at us - from head to toe - for what felt like an eternity. They were making fun of our nakedness, and they seemed to enjoy it a bit too much, a bit too long. They made us feel violated, vulnerable, and disgusted by their drooling over us. This humiliation ceremony was supposedly justified as a way of “making sure that no women would join up by masquerading as men.” What a load of rubbish. This is as retarded as an excuse gets. Imagine someone asking you to strip down to verify your sex every time they ask for your ID. There was no way a woman could have joined the conscripts without someone noticing. There was no justification for them to submit us to such a gay ritual other than to humiliate us, and to get a sick kick out of it without having to come to terms with their repressed homo-erotic tendencies.
Throughout my army servitude (not service), I can only remember insecure maggots constantly trying to one-up each other, to needlessly dominate one another, and to get on top of one another - maybe quite literally. What self-respecting man needs to antagonize other males all the time, especially males who are conveniently in a circumstantially inferior position? No self-respecting male would exploit a positional advantage granted to him by arbitrary power structures, which he never earned or deserved - only a maggot. A truly masculine man is secure enough to not need to antagonize anyone - he does not need validation.
Aside from the routine, humiliation rituals, gay sadomasochism, and male-member-focused insults, the military is gay because of the despicable daddy-fuckboy dynamic it’s built upon.
Military types are hopelessly insecure, otherwise they wouldn’t choose a “profession” that so desperately screams for attention, whether through flashy fabulous uniforms or flamboyant prideful parades. Gay.
I remember observing all these military types feeling the need to show off their “masculinity” to other males harder than they ever would to any female. It was bizarre, and at the time I thought it was just one of those odd military things resulting from the pressure and stress of its psychotic and unnatural lifestyle. But it was profound. And by “military types,” I don’t only mean the professionals. I also mean the conscripts who got the same kicks out of their positions of “authority.”
If you have any military experience, you may reflect on experiences when a commanding officer, a drill sergeant, a team leader, or even a simple corporal in charge of cleaning duty would enter a mode of male peacocking. They acted cooler than normal, puffier than normal… they would even deliberately deepen their voices to sound more masculine (and make fools of themselves instead, because an artificial deepening of the voice is obvious and embarrassing). If they desperately need to fake masculinity, then that speaks volumes to their true convictions about themselves.
Male peacocking in the military was not limited to commanding officers, though. Even certain conscript soldiers without rank would feel the need to blatantly brag to each other about “masculine” achievements, how well they performed in the obstacle course, or how much they terrorized the new recruits. They would miss no chance to take off their shirts, and to verbally draw attention to their physique to the other males. They would even arrange to have showers together at the right time, hiding under the pretense of “hanging out” while they shower. And all that while denying their true nature.
Even the whole concept of the gimp suit that is a military uniform is all about more peacocking than a flamboyant androgynous dandy from French aristocracy: it’s about showing off awards, ranks, and achievements to other males because women don’t even know that those childish insignia even mean.
Men - strong men - don’t feel the desperate need for cheap validation by impressionable people.
This video is gay. It’s supposed to advertise the Norwegian military to lure in recruits. I wonder… What kind of recruits are they looking for?
The gayness of the military is found in their pride. Notice how “pride” is the gay community’s chosen branding. Pride is a gay feeling because it is the opposite of self-esteem.
Pride is the desperate overcompensation for self-loathing. Narcissism is masked insecurity.
Self-esteem comes from being true to your principles; this means you must have principles in the first place. Pride is baseless arrogance and narcissism. Pride is having the gall to elevate yourself without deserving it. Narcissism, the consequence of pride, is an overcompensation for underlying self-hatred and shame. Narcissism is a self-delusion of grandeur, a bedtime fairy tale to help insecure people sleep at night.
Pride is burying your head in the sand of your delusions, blind to the abyss of your fears and insecurities.
Humility, on the other hand, is the opposite of humiliation. The prerequisite for humility is enough confidence in your identity that you don’t feel the desperate need for positions of circumstantial institutional “power” over others to compensate for your insecurities. Humility means the courage to admit your human limitations without compromising your self-esteem. Your limitations are simply the potential of your physical and mental capacities, which you make up for with your virtue, ideals, principles, and your faithful adherence to those principles.
The military makes up moralist arguments of “duty” and “valor” when we all know what cowards they were in real life. You only need to see a military type in the real world, without his uniform granting him undeserved perceived “status,” and without his subservient gimps to play daddy to. He is a weakling with poor social skills, someone who always needs to plug the military into every conversation to make himself feel relevant. He desperately needs that.
The military is not about making you “the best you can be;” it’s about making you the most obedient you can be. Military training does not consider physiology, training programming principles, resting periods, motivation, coaching, or mentoring. Instead, military “training” aims to humiliate you, belittle you, demean you, and debase you down to such low self-regard that you won’t have the dignity or self-esteem to question orders from step-daddy “authority” figures. The military is all about killing your personal identity and self-image, reminding you that you, as an individual, are lowly and unworthy. Once they kill your individual self-image, you eagerly accept the collectivist, tribalist, and Borg-like socialist identity of the mindless drone, the braindead pawn, the useful idiot charging trenches for no logical reason at all. The military needs you dumb, insecure, and faggoty enough to love the people who humiliate you in a twisted sadomasochistic mindfuck of total embarrassment and self-degradation.
The military is not manly. The military is as gay as it gets. Of course, government propaganda (through its Hollywood assets) is good at promoting the lie that “the military will mold you into a man.” Yet, no true man would willingly and eagerly take orders from Napoleon-syndrome closet-gays in gimp suits embellished with good-boy stars and glitter signifying their obedience. No man allows being talked down to, and then pretends that such a lack of boundaries is somehow a “virtue.” No man welcomes his systemic humiliation and degradation. No man chooses to abandon his personal identity in favor of a uniform collective identity like a mindless cult follower with a sick fetish for self-loathing and self-punishment.
The military is a closet gay cult. Openly identified gays know what they are, and they come to terms with it. But not the military closet gays; the ones desperately trying to act as if they are the pinnacle of masculinity because their gimp suit carries decades of propaganda and false associations with manhood.
What kind of man would willingly enlist in an environment where blind obedience and subservience are considered to be virtues? Don’t give me crap about “respect” and bullshit. In the military, you have to subject yourself to all kinds of humiliation and indignities, belittle yourself as you cower in front of your superiors, and you call that “respect?” Do you respect the people who disrespect you? Have you no dignity or integrity? Does any military type know what respect truly means?
At least in the real world, people who disrespect you face consequences. If your boss disrespects you, you can set boundaries because you can quit at any time to find better, more respectful employment. Unless you have no dignity, in which case, you should consider a career in the military.
In the military, you can pride yourself on being cowardly subservient, submissive, and totally obedient. These are not masculine traits. You call it “discipline,” but in reality, it’s cuckoldry and faggotry.
Discipline is self-discipline only. ‘Discipline to others’ is passive gimp-like subordinance sourced from self-hatred and a fetish to humiliate oneself. Isn’t that what the military is? Isn’t that passivity what gayness is?
Internalized abuse
Sure, there are instances where people in your life may treat you the same way as a military superior, but that’s up to you to decide what you tolerate. You are free to set boundaries and disassociate. In the real world, you are allowed to be resentful of your abuser.
But in the military, you have to internalize the abuse. You have to enjoy being abused, and you have to treat pathetic passive subservience as a virtue. This is how twisted the military is: you have to justify the abuse you receive, and even tell yourself that you are virtuous for relishing it. You have to be flogged, humiliated, dominated, violated, belittled, berated… and then say ‘thank you’ for it. Not only that, but you must feel proud of your slavery - proud for being degraded into a sub-human with no dignity, integrity, or self-respect.
Who likes the military?
If you are an insecure teenager desperate for your abusive dad‘s deliberately withheld approval, then you are likely to fall for the military brainwashing that falsely associates the military with the masculinity you so desperately need. And then, when you don’t achieve masculinity, you’ll probably want the closest alternative: masculinity from others. I have a suspicion that this is exactly how homosexuality works.
Imagine a grown adult male wearing a gimp suit covered in glitter and good boy stars, someone who willingly and eagerly accepts subservience and submission to whomever just happens to wear more stars on his gimp suit. How undignified is this sadomasochistic roleplay? Have you no integrity?
How can anyone trust or respect anyone who subscribes to such arbitrary power dynamics? What makes a man is first and foremost his ability to maintain his dignity and integrity. There is no dignity nor integrity to be found in the military circus of “power.”
You cannot be a man if you don’t stand up for yourself. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything, because you’re undignified.
There can be no integrity at all in the military because eager military types sell out whatever dignity they have for a privileged position, just like a male concubine submits to being violated in exchange for some preferential treatment among sex slaves.
The military is undeniably and quite literally homosexual.
I’ll leave you with some footage of true military <rhymes with maggots> who gang up against helpless civilians, and force them to the front lines, while they - the recruiters - stay back safely doing the easy job of finding useful idiots patsies.
Anyone forcing you to kill & die, for ANY alleged reason, is your de facto enemy. There can be no greater enemy than him. Your government is your greatest enemy.
If your government has to violently force-recruit you to "fight for it," then not only is it NOT worth killing & dying for, but it is worth fighting against.
Useful reading
Homosexuality in the militaries of ancient Greece
A Brief History of Samurai Homosexuality
History of Same-Sex Samurai Love in Edo Japan
Liberia’s Cross-Dressing Soldiers
Behind Liberia’s Cross-Dressing Soldiers
The rape of men: the darkest secret of war
Sexual Violence Against Men in Armed Conflict
When WWII Was A Drag: WWII Men Performing As Women in War
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time. All my work here is free.
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Jones, J.R. Melville (red.), The siege of Constantinople 1453: seven contemporary accounts, Hakkert, Amsterdam, 1972, Ducus, 98-99
To give you an idea of government hypocrisy at its finest, consider my county where you can't carry a knife, hand gun or even if you happen to be carrying DIY tools without a reason you can be charged with an offence. Our same government actively cheers on the Ukrainian war where estimates of 1 million Ukrainian MEN have been slaughtered. They talk about freedom yet never in the media do they mention any of the "recruitment " that you have showed in the above videos that the Ukrainian's are carrying out. These people are fucking scum.
I have previously read part 1 when you published it. Could you tell me, the region you are from without giving away your country?