1 Comment

Good article SR, thanks.

However, I consider you need to go beyond the “bottom line” of lack of self-worth. Where does that lack originate?

As a fellow Voluntaryist I invite you to go farther upstream to the source of obedience to authority and human violence which is child abuse/neglect.

Statism and all obedience to any collective "Authority" begins at home with the Authoritarian parents/family/clan.

Peaceful Parenting I consider the only means to an Everything Voluntary Peaceful World.

PARENTARCHY--Free Friends Forum 27 PARENTAL POWER: The Elephant in the Womb is the Government in the Tomb

STATISM STARTS AT HOME: Worldwide the Authoritarian "Right" to Own and Control Children is What Legitimizes the Authoritarian "Right" for Governments to Treat its Populations as Children/Slaves/Pets


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