An excellent, excellent article! The tragedy in my soul is that I wish to believe but for some reason I simply cannot!

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Thank you for reading. It was quite a read. I don't wish to push despair nor false hope. I just wish people believe what they believe for the right reasons.

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Interesting connection between lack of christian values and the drug addictions, suicides and what not.

Also how without these values are vulnerable.

The CIA and the demonic gay gangsta rap is a real thing.

I think Jesus' teachings of compassion, humility, defiance, peace, etc are the baby. But I also think there is a mystical component to all this.

If you like the simulation theory look up Gnosticism and simulation theory, aalso look up chridtian mysticism and Jewish mysticism and how they relate to the CIA's remote viewing activities

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Thank you for this (fwiw). This was very good for me to read as it articulates nicely plenty of what I have been thinking over the past 15 years or so. Like you, I was a vocal and avowed atheist -- life-long, in fact -- but today I recognize that I am also “areligious” although in some ways “christian-adjacent”. I usually simply say I am no longer an atheist. As soon as you say that, though, the listener (reader) assumes or infers something about you and that inference is ‘whatever it is that *they* think you mean’ not necessarily what *you* mean when you say ‘not an atheist’. Does that make sense? (It’s like when you say the word “god” the listener only thinks of what he or she thinks that word means. Unfortunately, we don’t have a word that can possibly encapsulate everything that is supposed to be meant by the concept of “god”, so it’s really a default term. And then you must go on to explain yourself, if allowed.)

I started changing my views when I began studying something closer to what we today think of as metaphysics, at least as presented by, we are told, greek philosophy. Eventually, I came to understand why Ken Wheeler says that “religion is secularized metaphysics”. Anyway, that is a whole ‘nuther discussion.

Have you encountered the work of Walter Russell? His revelations and writings offer a unique picture of “reality” and present a rather complete understanding of the (proper) union of metaphysics and physics. Basically, we’ve got it all wrong. Lol. (Which will come as no surprise, I am sure). Russell’s genius is best elucidated (for me so far, at least) in “The Secret of Light”, which is his final work; a kind of encapsulation of all that he wrote in the previous 70 years. (His drawings of, well, only the geometry of light/reality are mind-blowing and worthy of contemplation, too.) The point of bringing up Russell into this conversation is that his approach offers what I see as a ‘way out’ of the endless cycle of religious, statist, and especially, satanist (you forgot that one) systems of slavery under whose yokes we have been labouring for the past who knows how long.

Anyway, I shall be reading much more of your missives, for sure.

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Thank you for your comment. Indeed, it's a trap of false dichotomy to say "you're not an atheist" as it is misconstrued as "I'm religious." It doesn't have to. I'll check your recommendations (Ken Wheeler and Walter Russel). Thank you.

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Appreciate your reply. I can offer a kind of précis on Ken Wheeler if you become interested. He is a youTuber and has written a number of books and papers available on archive.org. The main things to watch are his videos on the geometry of magnetism (i.e., reality) as seen through a ferro-cell. (He has done literally thousands of videos over the years; I’ve watched hundreds).

There, I just saved you many hours, but I can ‘splain a bit more about Ken Wheeler if you like. With Russell, on the other hand, I would definitely start with “The Secret of Light”. Ken speaks of him often. In a nutshell, if we want to begin to figure out what is what, we have to eschew everything from the early 20th century nut-jobs who threw out the aether with the bathwater (Einstein, Heisenberg, et al.) and invented Quantum™ physics. Everything got stupider from then on to the apogee of said stupidity seen today just by, for example, looking out our window and seeing giant windmills and solar panels in the landscape. Anyway.... excelsior!

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Sep 30Liked by Sotiris Rex

I identify with some of your evolution. I had a period of militant atheism as well when I was young. Going as far as wanting “in god we trust” removed from money. The irony this was before I knew it was fiat currency and not money but I digress. Raised in a progressive liberal household it took years to shed that programming. I agree that the progressives religion is that of government/statism

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Unfortunately, it seems that people need to believe is some kind of superior deity, be it a god or a government.

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Christianity is not Judaism repackaged. That’s the first problem; Israelites we’re not Jews; todays Jews do not descend of Israel. Christians don’t know why they are Christian because Christ, the Son of The Father made them that way. Christianity as it has been known was the process by which that happened but not the Truth.


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“Israelites we’re not Jews; todays Jews do not descend of Israel.” This sounds like gaslighting

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Notwithstanding how it sounds, it is true. The gaslighting has been echoing around us for years: ‘the Jews are God’s chosen people!’



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I outgrew Christianity when I realized I could be moral without the threat of hellish sadistic punishment. And deep down, I think we all understand this. We don't need religion. The only morality that counts is the one that is sourced from inside.

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Do you think transhumanism is a potential secular alternative to religion?

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Anything is possible. People take vaccines, pharmaceuticals, implants, radio therapy, and undergo surgical operations. Isn't that already transhumanist?

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True but I don't think any of those are transcendental, psychedelics imo are probably the most transhumanist thing that exists today despite being temporary.

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Yes, you are right. Have you had experience with psychedelics?

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Yeah, quite a bit.

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Would you say there was anything meaningful in the experiences from psychedelics?

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Sort of but it fades pretty quickly, probably better for inspiring lifestyle changes than anything else, like getting you out of a counterproductive rut you've become stuck in and doing new things.

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