First I wonder why this post does not show up in my inbox.
Second. I completely agree and I have the feeling that passing 2000 is a catalyst to this problem. I remember the 2000s were the "future". When everything will be amazing and flying cars and whatnot. Then we passed 2000 in huge fear of Y2K the total collapse of civilisation but at the end nothing happened. Since 2000 is the most bland culture ever. There are no mega stars anymore. No trends or "culture" is defined clearly. Everything is broken up and feels very general.
I think the new generation will get over this as they are born after this cultural hype. They will define their new targets and hopes and everything will go back on this cultural rollercoaster.
Thank s for reading. To address your first point, I didn’t send it out as an email. A lot of my work I only post here. I don’t want to flood people’s inboxes, plus this one was a bit on the blue side. Thank you for subscribing by the way.
Yes, I feel the same way with regards to how we say things prior to 2000. But perhaps it was because we weee children and hopeful by default. Maybe there are cultural rollercoasters, but in the big picture, it all seems to remain the same: people still remain loyal to inanity and sensationalism over logical analysis. I hope I could bring a more positive message.
I think what you are doing this great because people have to hear this, whether they like it or not. At least people are more receptive to the message now.
I think humans are inherently wanderers and colonizers. I think that if Musk (and others') vision of people moving to Mars, the moon, the moons of the gas giants, and other places it will give humankind a new focus and dispel some of our ennui. The short film The Wanderers represents this beautifully:
Valid questions. Then again, it’s easy to persevere when we’re endowed with the extremely powerful sec-preservation instinct, which arguably goes against free will. At the end of the day, who knows…
I've said for awhile now, and I have no idea where I read it at, that western society isnt hungry enough. I watched a video of some kids in an undeveloped nation who were working in ridiculously adverse conditions in order to get paid a very small sum. They were being interviewed and they talked about the money they were making and how they had hopes for the future etc. When you have to work that hard to survive you are hungry physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will do anything to get to that next step, that place that is just a little bit better than the last generation. When that hunger no longer exists all that is left is a sedentary life style. I'm not saying people should have to be in those kind of conditions because no one should, but it can be one hell of a catalyst for change and growth. Intellectual pursuits, equality, development really are first world problems, because in third world conditions everyone is just trying to survive, people don't have time for anything else.
I can’t guess correctly, but it sounds like you are you young, unmarried, and without children. So no wonder you find your existence pointless, as in this moment it is. It is historically an anomaly to see a smart, hardworking young man in their late 20s or 30s to be single, childless, and without true, deep friendships. Until you have this you will not understand what it is to be human; once you have it you will devote your life to family, community, nation, and civilization. Your philosophy will change when your reality changes. But you can’t do this alone, so place yourself in a culture, context, small town where this is the norm. The life you save will be your own.
This perspective is at base a materialistic view only. And for so many who never grow or reach beyond that there is hopelessness only. But this view ignore and discounts those who have seen greater things to invest in are not nihilistic at all. That dismissive view toward the ‘religion’ clearly on not seeing all that is there. Perhaps because the often bad religious wrappers have kept them blinded.
Maybe you should find those truly transformative spiritual folks who are making amazing contributions to end suffering and release flouishing in others and consider their base assumptions and give it a try than just throw up your hands. Just saying. What we ‘see’ often say more about our vision that what is truly there.
I see your point. For me, the material is the only thing that approximates the objective. Spirituality, with all its temptations and promises, is subjective, fluid, personal. Maybe there is such as thing as spirituality. Maybe we aren't worthy of it yet.
First I wonder why this post does not show up in my inbox.
Second. I completely agree and I have the feeling that passing 2000 is a catalyst to this problem. I remember the 2000s were the "future". When everything will be amazing and flying cars and whatnot. Then we passed 2000 in huge fear of Y2K the total collapse of civilisation but at the end nothing happened. Since 2000 is the most bland culture ever. There are no mega stars anymore. No trends or "culture" is defined clearly. Everything is broken up and feels very general.
I think the new generation will get over this as they are born after this cultural hype. They will define their new targets and hopes and everything will go back on this cultural rollercoaster.
Thank s for reading. To address your first point, I didn’t send it out as an email. A lot of my work I only post here. I don’t want to flood people’s inboxes, plus this one was a bit on the blue side. Thank you for subscribing by the way.
Yes, I feel the same way with regards to how we say things prior to 2000. But perhaps it was because we weee children and hopeful by default. Maybe there are cultural rollercoasters, but in the big picture, it all seems to remain the same: people still remain loyal to inanity and sensationalism over logical analysis. I hope I could bring a more positive message.
I think what you are doing this great because people have to hear this, whether they like it or not. At least people are more receptive to the message now.
Thank you. Yes. People need to hear this. It’s an optimistic message
Have you heard of “Technocracy”? You might like this reporting. Or not. Just sharing.
I think humans are inherently wanderers and colonizers. I think that if Musk (and others') vision of people moving to Mars, the moon, the moons of the gas giants, and other places it will give humankind a new focus and dispel some of our ennui. The short film The Wanderers represents this beautifully:
I am not black pulled.
And I have not stopped.
And I am not alone.
Persevering is superior to nihilism
What is the point?
Then again, my life, not guaranteed by government or a religion is closer to Natural Law than what the many undertake in their life decisions.
Valid questions. Then again, it’s easy to persevere when we’re endowed with the extremely powerful sec-preservation instinct, which arguably goes against free will. At the end of the day, who knows…
Women basically
Toynbee in 21st century garb.
I've said for awhile now, and I have no idea where I read it at, that western society isnt hungry enough. I watched a video of some kids in an undeveloped nation who were working in ridiculously adverse conditions in order to get paid a very small sum. They were being interviewed and they talked about the money they were making and how they had hopes for the future etc. When you have to work that hard to survive you are hungry physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will do anything to get to that next step, that place that is just a little bit better than the last generation. When that hunger no longer exists all that is left is a sedentary life style. I'm not saying people should have to be in those kind of conditions because no one should, but it can be one hell of a catalyst for change and growth. Intellectual pursuits, equality, development really are first world problems, because in third world conditions everyone is just trying to survive, people don't have time for anything else.
I can’t guess correctly, but it sounds like you are you young, unmarried, and without children. So no wonder you find your existence pointless, as in this moment it is. It is historically an anomaly to see a smart, hardworking young man in their late 20s or 30s to be single, childless, and without true, deep friendships. Until you have this you will not understand what it is to be human; once you have it you will devote your life to family, community, nation, and civilization. Your philosophy will change when your reality changes. But you can’t do this alone, so place yourself in a culture, context, small town where this is the norm. The life you save will be your own.
This perspective is at base a materialistic view only. And for so many who never grow or reach beyond that there is hopelessness only. But this view ignore and discounts those who have seen greater things to invest in are not nihilistic at all. That dismissive view toward the ‘religion’ clearly on not seeing all that is there. Perhaps because the often bad religious wrappers have kept them blinded.
Maybe you should find those truly transformative spiritual folks who are making amazing contributions to end suffering and release flouishing in others and consider their base assumptions and give it a try than just throw up your hands. Just saying. What we ‘see’ often say more about our vision that what is truly there.
I see your point. For me, the material is the only thing that approximates the objective. Spirituality, with all its temptations and promises, is subjective, fluid, personal. Maybe there is such as thing as spirituality. Maybe we aren't worthy of it yet.
Get back in touch with the Earth, if you can, to find connection with the Great Everything...
As a first step, read "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimmerer while sitting in a wooded area.
Will look into it. Thanks
Civilizations by their endeavours, create ever changing paths forward. By their inertia, they try to go in the same direction.
Nothing new under the sun.