Very interesting. I appreciate your analysis and am in agreement. In a similar vein: want to know who invented communism? It was the Jesuits in the 1600s in the reductions of Paraguay. Enslaved the natives and had them producing handmade goods to Europe at slashed prices to fund their covert empire. Then a couple generations later they helped Marx with the manifesto when he was educated by them. The socialists will never tell you that though because that would prevent their “blame it on the Jews” racket. Although they are connected via Zionism and Jewish Freemasonry (B’nai B’rith). Seriously though, check out the history of the reductions. Nothing is new under the sun, these people have been pulling this scam for a very long time. There is no free lunch, they just keep the slavery out of sight and mind. Today it’s done mostly in China, and if you look into Mao’s rise you’ll see the same actors helping him along (Yale’s 322 and the Jesuits).

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Thank you for the comment. In my opinion, I don't think much is a grand conspiracy of people who design intricate power systems. It's just people who find themselves in positions of circumstantial power and then respond to the trends and tolerances of the people. Even if communism or marxism or whatever were not coined and branded in such a way, similar power structures would still have emerged. This is what I want to say in this "Roman Empire was socialist" series. It's the people's fault, not the masters'.

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Aug 14Liked by Sotiris Rex

What do you think of revisionist historians like David Irving? I think that mofo brings the sauce.

Most historians are just recycling whatever narrative pays their bills…

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Not familiar with his work. Could you please share something of his that connects with this post?

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I will find something worthwhile…

The short version is that he spent about 40 years of his life reviewing primary sources of information about World War II and meticulously card cataloging them and cross referencing them to get an accurate understanding of the happenings. Not surprisingly, some of his findings are completely at odds with the narratives most of us were sold as history.

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if anyone, simply can't understand the preaching alone in the philosophy from Seneca to Marcus aurelias as Plato they all have one thing in common socialism. social media pushes it. everyone should simply be independent.

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Very good observation

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People worship the state so blindly that they fail to both see and understand that every government that stands in the way of human innovation and adaptation has a connection to socialist exploits. It does not matter if one describes the pharaohs of Egypt, the kings of Babylon or the Senate of Rome... all plunder and all maintain power and authority over other human beings via means of theft and violence. Our modern society has evolved, we just a have nice and much more fancier gadgets. We still live on the guise of the socialist Roman state. It lives because people are retarded and no one learns from the sins of our past.

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Excellent way of putting it. I agree fully.

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