Thank God someone is writing about the military sheep, they are anything but heroes, pathetic little state controlled violent thugs who lack the ability or guts to think for themselves and these stupid little tricks who back up the state criminals are the enemy of the people. A whole lost of them end up being violent toward women and often rapists . I know what these military so called 'heroes ' are like off duty having been rapid by one of these cowards aged 14, I am fucking sick 9f the media labeling them as 'heroes, they are stupid little abusers incapable of thinking for themselves so nanny does their thinking for them

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There is nothing scummier than a guy who takes pride in his military affiliation. Scumbags and closet-gay at best.

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"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice."~Albert Einstein

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Interesting quote.

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Absolutely brutal take down of military faggotry. Any 18 yr old kid with any moral integrity who came across this would be saved from making a very bad decision. A great man doesn't let mistakes define him but learns and helps others in his community from making the same.

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Thank you. We need to share this with as many young men as we can. And with women too, since women are also complicit in their misplaced adoration of the military gimp suit.

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I should not have read this at my office . This had me rolling. The pictures with captions were on point hilarious. At one point I thought of joining the military but something always prevented me that I could not at the time pinpoint. Now I understand what it was.

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It’s a blatant lie that the military represents masculinity. At best it is desperate-for-validation bravado. But usually, it’s closeted gayness. I’m writing an addendum. This rant isn’t over. Thank you for reading.

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Excellent essay, and from a Psychological standpoint absolutely true, from the beginning to the end …..!!

Eloquent and insightful, thank you.

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Thank you, Anthony. I can see it resonates with people. Can't imagine what they've been through in the militaristic sense.

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Brilliant. Your take on the Navy Seals was particularly interesting. One name that sprang to mind immediately when reading that was Tim Kennedy, the ex Navy Seal who fought in the UFC and got starched by fighters who never were anywhere near combat.

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Yes, good point. They make them o be supermen. They are nothing of the sort. And remember: military instructors have zero exercise physiology and coaching knowledge or experience. Military training is all about training your mind to be subservient. It is not about promising athletic ability; Quite the contrary.

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Love it! It’s so true. I’ve always despised all the institutions with their roles that we have to admire by default; doctors, nurses, police, teachers - people need to earn my respect through their actions, not by their shitty servile government job.

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Kay Griggs and her story come to mind.

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The man in uniform meme is so true

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Pretty much why the Americans government consist of closet fags. America has a superioty complex aka they know psychological they are inferior to the Chinese and everybody else

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Wow! I just found this article and enjoyed it. It speaks to my own experiences with the US military. I actually went through the ROTC training as a university student and some specialized training during ROTC due to good performance. Luckily, I received a medical discharge before I could commission as an officer. Now, I can never serve in the military due to my medical condition. Looking back, I am extremely fortunate that I never served! Moreover, I ended up working for several years with the US military at an ROTC unit. My experience certainly echoes yours in many ways. There were certainly guys there that were repressing their homosexuality, and I think still are. A number of guys that were in ROTC at the same time I was were taking steroids and working out like crazy, and some did generate impressive physical results. The strange thing about it was that these guys didn't need to do it because they were athletic and physically capable already, but these guys were almost always the most insecure about themselves. I remember one of them flipping out on me when I told him that another guy was looking stronger than he was. They became a caricature of masculinity; they were artificial.

In regard to your gay commentary, being a handsome guy myself, I had several guys joke around about blowing me and doing sex acts with me, and I always thought to myself that this dude saying this stuff is straight up gay or bisexual. It always caught me off guard because I was straight and didn't think that way about other guys. Mind you, I can say that someone is good-looking, but I'm not interested in sex with guys. I think I can just speak to reality. Moreover, while I was a student and working with ROTC, there were always rumors about a number of guys who were doing gay stuff and giving other guys blowjobs and stuff like that, and oftentimes it turned out to be true. The odd thing about it was that a lot of these "gay" dudes also had girlfriends and wives in some cases. The other strange thing about military guys is how many of them are "cuckolds" and "swingers." A lot of them are in these weird relationships, and I had a few offer to let me have sex with their girlfriends or wives.

Another thing that I found bizarre was the women in the military—they are, generally speaking, almost always unrepentant whores. Cheating and infidelity are rampant among them. I guess it is obvious that so many of these average masculine women are now getting all the attention that they missed out on in high school, and so now they are just sampling the cock buffet of the military. Sadly, including women in the military makes getting things done a lot more complicated and leads to a lot of dysfunction.

At this point, I have moved on from being around the US military, and I am thankful to be away from the organization. I was disgusted with the entire thing near the end. Everyone who I worked with injected themselves with the C-19 poison shot. I was the only employee to refuse it. Nearly all of our students injected themselves as well. It was extremely pathetic to see this. One of the more disheartening things was the department commander scolding a student for refusing to inject himself and stating that he needed to decide if he was going to listen to his parents or do what he wanted to in life. I thought to myself, well, obviously his parents actually care about him, and you obviously don't. The kid left the program and isn't joining, which is the right choice. I was proud of him. Otherwise, these military people have zero courage to stand up for what is right, and it was clear from that moment on that the US military has absolutely no future. These people are all future walking heart attacks, cancer patients, and autoimmune disorder patients.

Anyways, I have much more about my time there, but I'll spare you. I will say that the US military is made up of people with no moral courage at this point. Absolutely none. I have been telling anyone that asks me if they should join to stay far away from the US military and to go do anything else with their lives. I encourage anyone and everyone out there to tell their loved ones to stay away from the US military.

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This comment is immensely insightful. Thank you. Yes, indeed, the whole concept of militarism is cowardly: blindly following atrocious orders out of fear of reprimand is as cowardly and as unmanly as it gets.

Keep spreading the message. Let's at least warn and save the rational ones, let's open their eyes to military propaganda. Let only the useful idiots enlist, just like I was

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I’ve got the fix, brother. it’s in the works…. thanks for this rant. rocket fuel.

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Cheers. The military is gay. I'll keep saying it

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"Blind submission and obedience to arbitrary authority structures is not manly at all."

The yes sir/no sir is kinda bdsm.

You really didn't hold back. It gives me stuff to think about.

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True. Thank you. I was actually holding back with this one. My point here is that blind subservience is not masculine

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As someone who was in the army (Israel) more than 30 years ago (I left the country shortly after) I just wanted to say that if military is 'gay' then what would you say about Israel, a totally militarized society? I assume you meant combat(?) because there are other jobs within armed forces. I generally agree that military culture (your images look exaggerated?) is *stupid*, and was one of the main reasons why I couldn't fit in with this crap.

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The whole institution of militarism is gay: sadomasochistic and homo-erotic. Obviously I don't mean that everyone who passes through it is gay. And if you're gay, I don't mind. What I am trying to convey here is that militarism is not the macho straight ideal that insecure teenagers think it is.

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I’m not gay. And the topic of “homosexuality” was never on my intellectual radar. I know there are (serious) intellectuals who are not even sure how to deal with this, it is (very) politically incorrect (even on a scientific basis)…

For me army reality is the training for barbarism.

Barbarism is inside us naturally, but I suppose they need to get men to work together, efficiently, as one barbaric unit.

Now that I type this I suddenly see why you say: “sadomasochistic and homo-erotic.” I can see your point.

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I am actually a gay man and I won't accuse you of homophobia and moreover I agree with your point of fetishization of military.

What I take an issue with is you using 'gay' and 'homoerotic' interchangeably with 'weak', 'emasculated' and 'having Daddy issues'. That simply is not true. Being gay is simply being sexually and romantically attracted to other men, not women. No more, no less. It doesn't involve any specific traits - neither good ones like 'gays have an excellent taste' not bad ones like 'they're weak and emasculated'.

For one, I might say that being a gay male and sigma male I'm much stronger than many straight men, many of them whom I knew being compliant cowards and obedient fools.

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By no way do I deny your humanity due to the fact that you’re gay. In this post, I mostly refer to repressed homosexuality as an affliction of internalized abuse and unresolved trauma from systematic humiliation. Who isn’t traumatized? Militarism is a consequence of repressed homosexuality. Good for you for accepting yourself however you are. The true monsters are those who relish authority over others.

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Well, then you perhaps needed to specify you meant exactly repressed and/or traumatized homosexuality, not just homoerotic desire in general, because gay desires can be very healthy and hot I assure you, and I do actually believe that maybe due to being men themselves gay men have higher masculinity standards than women in many cases.

But speaking of traumatized sexuality, there are actually also traumatized women who have 'rape fantasies', and actual straight men who started to have homoerotic desires out of abuse but are not really gay by nature, I think you meant those.

Either way, I think I got your meaning and I'm not too fond of fetishization of military and making it a masculine ideal myself because well, for me military is rather symbol of harsh discipline, punishment, restrictions, not really free masculinity. It's inherently based on hierarchy, represssion, restriction, etc. So how could it be truly masculine then? Rather it's BDSM sexuality if you know what it means, sadomasochistic paradise.

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You stumble upon a good point there: masculinity must be free.


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Oh you again use caricature 'gay' word here but I think I'd subscribe to you regardless, I love your interesting unconventional takes and I somehow think a real gay energy instead of caricature one would benefit your takes on masculinity even more!

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Also, note that I use the term “gay” as the caricature gay stereotype, just like when we say “that’s so gay” to imply that something is hilariously weak. I assume you’re not offended, and that you are able to self-satirize.

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If I was offended, I would have commented in a different way or not commented at all lol.

But yeah, it's still might be misleading for some people so you might want to be more precise in the future, but it's up to you, who I am to tell you how to write your stack!

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You do you. Opinions are a dime a dozen 🤷‍♂️

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This article is super fucking gay. I’m amazed you haven’t drowned in ejaculate.

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