To your list of anarchist works consider adding "The Machinery of Freedom" by David Friedman and "The Problem of Political Authority" by Michael Huemer.
You confuse statelessness with the caricature of anarchism of anarcho-communists, which is state-sponsored propaganda. You are hopeless to debate me because your every spammy comment is just a straw man, which I'll attribute to illiteracy rather than malice. Your mere use of the word "commune" shows that you don't understand what statelessness really is. Do your homework, then come back, but not before that:
Useful reading on stateless voluntaryism:
‘Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy’ by Robert P. Murphy
‘The Market for Liberty’ by Morris and Linda Tannehill
‘Democracy: The God That Failed’ by Hans Hermann Hoppe
‘The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production’ by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
‘The Private Production of Defense’ by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
‘The Privatization of Roads and Highways’ by Walter Block
‘Defending the Undefendable I, II, & II’ by Walter Block
‘No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority’ by Lysander Spooner
‘Let’s Abolish Government’ by Lysander Spooner
‘Anatomy of the State’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Power and Market: Government and the Economy’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market’ by Murray N. Rothbard
I like your statelessness article. It’s going to be a hard sell for many people who can’t think beyond our current governmental systems (slavery) Thank you and keep your ideas coming, maybe we’re at or close to the turning point out of the darkness.
when I debate with people about statelessness (and many other topics) as a superior state for humans I see the same jerk reaction when I was playing poker. You are not able to explain to most people why raising in certain situation is superior to any other actions because they think increasing your exposure is automatically bad so they will revert to their 'safe' decision. They will look at you baffled and that's why most of the people are straight loser in poker because their intuitive actions are automatically making inferior decisions. I always wonder if this comes down to IQ, critical thinking or just that NPCs act out of emotion/feeling.
This is extremely insightful. I'd never thought of it this way until now. It's a good analogy. It think it comes down to projection: they believe freedom (or raising and exposing oneself) will end up badly because this would be their own intent against others were they "free" to do whatever they wanted. This is how they imagine freedom: a caricature combination of Mad Max and The Purge. This is how they'd act.
To your list of anarchist works consider adding "The Machinery of Freedom" by David Friedman and "The Problem of Political Authority" by Michael Huemer.
Anarchy is a form of governance. Go ahead. Go into an anarchist commune and try to do communist stuff. The anarchist will vote you out!
You confuse statelessness with the caricature of anarchism of anarcho-communists, which is state-sponsored propaganda. You are hopeless to debate me because your every spammy comment is just a straw man, which I'll attribute to illiteracy rather than malice. Your mere use of the word "commune" shows that you don't understand what statelessness really is. Do your homework, then come back, but not before that:
Useful reading on stateless voluntaryism:
‘Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy’ by Robert P. Murphy
‘The Market for Liberty’ by Morris and Linda Tannehill
‘Democracy: The God That Failed’ by Hans Hermann Hoppe
‘The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production’ by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
‘The Private Production of Defense’ by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
‘The Privatization of Roads and Highways’ by Walter Block
‘Defending the Undefendable I, II, & II’ by Walter Block
‘No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority’ by Lysander Spooner
‘Let’s Abolish Government’ by Lysander Spooner
‘Anatomy of the State’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Power and Market: Government and the Economy’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘The Ethics of Liberty’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Human Action’ by Ludwig von Mises
Essays on voluntaryism by Sotiris Rex
I like your statelessness article. It’s going to be a hard sell for many people who can’t think beyond our current governmental systems (slavery) Thank you and keep your ideas coming, maybe we’re at or close to the turning point out of the darkness.
Thank you. Indeed, the vast majority of the people currently occupying this planet are hopelessly statist. As with everything, this too will pass.
when I debate with people about statelessness (and many other topics) as a superior state for humans I see the same jerk reaction when I was playing poker. You are not able to explain to most people why raising in certain situation is superior to any other actions because they think increasing your exposure is automatically bad so they will revert to their 'safe' decision. They will look at you baffled and that's why most of the people are straight loser in poker because their intuitive actions are automatically making inferior decisions. I always wonder if this comes down to IQ, critical thinking or just that NPCs act out of emotion/feeling.
This is extremely insightful. I'd never thought of it this way until now. It's a good analogy. It think it comes down to projection: they believe freedom (or raising and exposing oneself) will end up badly because this would be their own intent against others were they "free" to do whatever they wanted. This is how they imagine freedom: a caricature combination of Mad Max and The Purge. This is how they'd act.
Carl Menger would’ve enjoyed this article
We're working on the shoulders of giants...
Always like to say - there was Karl and Carl who changed the world concurrently - but in opposite directions.
Good to remember. Not a fan of Karl. But maybe, humanity needed him to see the depths of its potential inanity.
and actual insanity as well.
yes, I meant insanity*
“The state” is just tribalism on a larger scale. We are tribal resource using creatures. “State” or “government” is inevitable.
There are variations within, however the archetype is ingrained in physical existence itself.
I'm tired of responding to the same lazy straw men. Do your due diligence before wasting my time.