The ruling class is comprised of individuals currently in institutional positions of perceived, and therefore actual power. They merely happen to possess the means to shape public perception, to define the illusion of monetary value, to impose money-supply monopolies, and to violently enforce regulations, whether using a dictatorship, monarchy, or the scam of “democracy.” They find themselves at the peak of these arbitrary power structures, not because they are smarter, stronger, or wiser than the rest of the sacks of blood and gut inhabiting this planet; they just happen to hold circumstantial positions at the top of their shaky house of cards of arbitrary social conventions. The “elite” must rely on the gullible submissive majority, those desperate for something -anything- to worship. Without his pathetic willing serfs to hold his sedan chair, the elite knows he is nothing; and this terrifies him (hence his push to instead rely on AI after he gets rid of us, something he’ll live to regret).
The ruling class, the self-aggrandising “elites,” are not necessarily politicians or heads of state. Government title-holders are usually rooks and pawns of the “elite” ruling class pulling the strings behind the curtain. When local government kowtow to world banks, international institutions, and NGOs, you know that a head of state is nothing but a glorified servant, an actor, and entertainer. A politician is nothing but an illusionist with the task of convincing the dumbed-down masses that they somehow have someone in their corner and on their team, or even a dog in the fight, when they demonstrably have no one. They shouldn’t need anyone either. Yet willing delusion is enough for stupid cowardly ostriches burying their heads in the sand.
And to put the conspiracy-minded to rest, I don’t believe these self-anointed “elites” have diligently conspired with one grand goal in mind. These power structures emerge spontaneously from the opportunity created by our deluded need in centralised coercive government - given that the vast majority of humans are fundamentally submissive, naive, gullible, devious, and irredeemably susceptible to lies and emotion rather than logic and facts. These human vulnerabilities are the core foundation of all institutional threat-based power structures. With such opportunity for power abuses, can we really blame those who exploit it?
The self-appointed “elites” are not interested in mutual exchange of value. They don’t get any satisfaction from providing value to society or by empowering others. Rather, they see themselves as petty gods deriving sick twisted satisfaction out of tormenting whomever they deem lesser beings.
The self-announced “elites” are obsessed with dominating others rather than uplifting them. And in the “elite’s” warped mind, he believes he is tending to the masses by brutally herding them. He believes he is doing the sheep a favour. “The sheep need a strong shepherd,” he obsessively repeats to himself as he tries to fall asleep; the pitiful fool.
These self-obsessed “elites” aren’t all moronic. Many of them truly are low-IQ, given they’ve never been exposed to intellectual challenges and motivations to excel among betters. All they have is the opportune result of circumstantial nepotism. In their minds, they are already “better” by default, so they lack the drive, and more importantly, the humility to strive for growth. One cannot improve without the groundedness to accept he requires improving.
Indeed, the smart members of the ruling class understand that their manic interventions in the world do cause a decline in innovation, invention, discovery, and well-being for all; them included. They know that the consequence of their interventions involves economic suppression and an irrevocable erosion of the human spirit.
All that human potential wasted on war, propaganda, psyops, monopolies… all created by the “elite” ruling class using the apparatus of coercive centralised government.
They know they are actively keeping the human potential dormant, hurting themselves along with the rest of us; yet they still carry on shooting themselves on the foot with their social manipulations.
They know that the most effective, efficient, ethical, intelligent, and prosperous society is one that is free; yet they settle for a dysfunctional dystopia of their own making. They insist on throwing wrench after wrench of arbitrary intervention in the machine of free incentive-driven markets. They know they hurt the maximal utility of a free society, the equal playing field that is in the best interest of all of us; all except those whose intent is not prosperity, but rather, Pyrrhic domination.
This is what the “elites” really want: they’d rather rule over sand and ashes than live in prosperity among equals.
“Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.”
- Lucifer in John Milton’s Paradise Lost
…the elite’s creed of false dichotomy.
Thus, I can’t help but genuinely pity these “elites.” They have never and will never truly experience or appreciate a side of life that is self-owned. They will never feel the self-confidence and strength of being among equals without feeling threatened. Indeed, they do share the same halls as their “equal” peers, but make no mistake: they are terrified and indignant of each other. They can’t be otherwise, given the constant gamification of their social engineering.
“Elites” can never be free of their psychopathy of domination-obsession at the expense of a mutually empowering free society. They are addicted to power lust, the most intoxicating drug of all. Their life’s non-negotiable is not to be self-sufficient, but rather, to survive on one power high after another.
Yet it’s not real power they experience; only a cheap substitute of power. All they go is hopelessly rely on the physical and intellectual weakness of others. They are not truly powerful; they’re just powerful by comparison to truly weak entities. It’s only their low standards that give them the boast of “elite;” chimpanzees ruling over bonobos. And they deep-down know how pathetic, laughable, and embarrassing they are.
Yet, how embarrassing are we for kowtowing to such embarrassments?
The self-declared “elites” cannot help but sabotage their own well-being on the altar of their psychopathic needs. Like any addict, they prefer the superficial short-lived gratification of ruling over pathetic beings than the meaningful fulfillment of empowering and uplifting others; others who will in turn have every motivation to contribute to a better world for us all. Prosperity brings more prosperity. Manufactured degeneracy and parasitism by the “elites” brings more degeneracy and parasitism.
The “elites” are akin to pathetic and insecure school bullies, helpless against their desperate need to dominate at their own expense. They desperately rely on their circumstantial and fleeting power advantage; and more pathetically, they depend on the circumstantial weakness of others.
For all the power they presume they have, it is predicated upon the intellectual deficiency of others. Congratulations! You’ve just taken candy from a baby! And that baby just happens to be weak, not deservingly, but because of random circumstance.
There is no true meaning in ruling over others by force, no true fulfillment in it. This is what the “elites” know deep down; this is what torments them. No matter how powerful they imagine to be, there is nothing more powerful than death; creeping in, knocking the door to the soul, louder and louder with each passing day. Their exclusive emotional investment in power, rather then transcendent meaning, is a truly bad investment.
Yes, the elites are burdened with the psychopathy of ‘god complex.’ They need to possess a sense of dominance, otherwise they cannot bear living. They’d rather burn the earth and be kings of ashes than live in prosperity among equals. They’d rather pluck their own eye out and be one-eyed kings in the land of the blind rather than live in a world where everyone’s got two eyes. Imagine how much they suffer to think thus, how much they must have sacrificed to imagine they “rule” in a hell of their making.
Consider: If you gave one of these elite psychopaths the choice to either live as a king 2000 years ago - living in a cold castle, doomed to die in middle age, sleeping next to his shit bucket every night - or live in today’s comforts as an average lower-middle-class individual - with all the amenities, comforts, and amusements of modern life - you can bet he’d choose to go back in time to be a king of nothing. He’d rather live in discomfort, surrounded by recalcitrant plebs, and die at forty with rotten teeth and scurvy; as long as he gets his dose of perceived “power” over reluctantly submissive peasants. This is the kind of tormented psychopath the “elite” is.
Those holding institutional power are not the only ones cursed with the psychopathy of the “elite.”
By “ruling class” I include the ruler-wannabes: the elites’ minions, their apologists, their henchmen, their worshipers from down below. Every tyrant has his masochist admirers: soulless shadows who love to be brutalized like a twisted concubine with gang-rape fantasies.
They are the plebs who willingly serve their oppressors in hopes of one day perhaps achieving such privileged position; and for a chance to brutalize others just like they were brutalized. These are the Uncle Toms, the Renfields, The Fritzes, the Igors, the sleazily subservient shills, the pathetic submissive ones, the vomit-inducing suck-ups to perceived “authority,” the willingly obedient who’d rather side with their tormentor than their fellow victims. These are the ones deriving twisted pleasure from the pathetic act of kowtowing, as they wet-kiss the floor… their bums up in the air, exposed for anyone to own; literally. They are burdened with the twisted psychopathy of Stockholm syndrome, those who kiss the hand that slaps them, who love their rapists, who make excuses for their brutalizers. These are the self-loathing ones, the vehement apologists of the coercive state and its perceived “authority,” who would gleefully make up cruel tyrannical gods and force themselves to “love” their fantasy of divine barbarism.
Despite their subservience, they imagine themselves to be powerful, because diligently wiping the asses of the powerful is better than dignified work among equals, right? The cock-suckers of the king imagine themselves more powerful than the rebellious ones under his heel. And in many ways, this may be true: the royal pleasure boy holds the tyrant’s cock but may also have his ear. But the irony of having to be subservient to be powerful takes away all meaning from having “power” in the first place.
And in the end, is there greater power than transcendent meaning, whatever that may be?
Do not trust the subservient ones. Those who stand for nothing fall for anything. They are dangerous: they will betray your trust, push you into the abyss the second you turn your back to them.
We are ruled by psychopaths because only psychopaths want to be, and can be, rulers. And only the sick subservient ones (the majority among us) accept this as a way to organise human society. The rulers and the ruled depend on each other; they need each other. They outliers are just stuck between the blood-soaked cogs of this surreal infernal machine. Welcome to the absurd insane reality of human experience.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time. All my work here is free.
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Useful reading on stateless voluntaryism
‘Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy’ by Robert P. Murphy
‘No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority’ by Lysander Spooner
‘For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Power and Market: Government and the Economy’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market’ by Murray N. Rothbard
This is exactly what I've been feeling and thinking without really being able to put it into words. Well done man.
One of the best articles I’ve read in a long time. The “elites” are scum and this article nails it!