I read somewhere that when humans lived in small tribes of a hundred, 1 would be the fuckin psycho right? If there was ever any "difficult decision" to make or if someone needed to be driven out and killed. The tribe psycho would gladly do the thing. His survival was still very dependant on the rest of the tribe and everyone knew who and what he was. So if he ever got out of control the rest of the tribe would take care of him.
Obviously tribe dynamics are different now and psychos have no checks on them.
The irony is that those who are fundamentally submissive, etc., believe they are basing their beliefs upon logic and facts, and those who question those in authoritative positions base their beliefs upon lies and emotion!!!
Many "submissive" people are just as insanely wicked as the sociopath's, They are basically the ones that open the gate for the monsters to come in devour their own children, Other seemingly agreeable and submissive people aren't really as submissive or all agreeable as they thought but were just following a pattern their own family forced them into in order to survive and can and do wake up from that. Truth tellers are often squashed by their own kin because they want to keep being sick (or) enabling someone else that is sick (or) both. I don't think it's that decent people can't or shouldn't be in power, I think it's most decent people have been squashed because so many so called good submissive people especially women are actually the enablers of male sociopaths and actually get off on watching true decent people suffer but have to pretend to not know (or) suddenly pretend be too stupid to know any better. They walk among us, I lived it, and its tempting to want to fall back and want to believe they are just a little off, No they are wicked and pretending not to be, Play along with their bullshit if you must to get by, But once you SEE them never UNSEE them again, You know when you know.
This is exactly what I've been feeling and thinking without really being able to put it into words. Well done man.
Thank you. I wish this wasn't a more-or-less accurate depiction of our reality, but unfortunately it is.
One of the best articles I’ve read in a long time. The “elites” are scum and this article nails it!
Thank you, Robert. I wish it weren't true.
“Deletes”. They are in no way shape or form elite.
I wonder if Humanity could ever root out psychopathy, and what that would imply for its future.
I don't think it ever will. It's built in. And I wonder why...
I read somewhere that when humans lived in small tribes of a hundred, 1 would be the fuckin psycho right? If there was ever any "difficult decision" to make or if someone needed to be driven out and killed. The tribe psycho would gladly do the thing. His survival was still very dependant on the rest of the tribe and everyone knew who and what he was. So if he ever got out of control the rest of the tribe would take care of him.
Obviously tribe dynamics are different now and psychos have no checks on them.
The irony is that those who are fundamentally submissive, etc., believe they are basing their beliefs upon logic and facts, and those who question those in authoritative positions base their beliefs upon lies and emotion!!!
Reality is nothing if not ironic and tragicomical.
Shouldn’t that be other way around🤔
That's the irony of the situation!
That is a spot on dive thx for the time
Thank you for your time too!
Masters and slaves, they're one and the same...
makes sense and explains a lot
Many "submissive" people are just as insanely wicked as the sociopath's, They are basically the ones that open the gate for the monsters to come in devour their own children, Other seemingly agreeable and submissive people aren't really as submissive or all agreeable as they thought but were just following a pattern their own family forced them into in order to survive and can and do wake up from that. Truth tellers are often squashed by their own kin because they want to keep being sick (or) enabling someone else that is sick (or) both. I don't think it's that decent people can't or shouldn't be in power, I think it's most decent people have been squashed because so many so called good submissive people especially women are actually the enablers of male sociopaths and actually get off on watching true decent people suffer but have to pretend to not know (or) suddenly pretend be too stupid to know any better. They walk among us, I lived it, and its tempting to want to fall back and want to believe they are just a little off, No they are wicked and pretending not to be, Play along with their bullshit if you must to get by, But once you SEE them never UNSEE them again, You know when you know.
True. I fear the submissives, not the dominant.
Without “ ordinary men “ the deletes couldn’t do a thing.
maybe it's easier to sleep without a conscience...
It is.
As gato normally says: As hire As. Bs hire Cs and Cs hire Ds...
Otherwise it is a very good profiling. Our "elite" is a bully/psycho totally obsessed with "power" used by real elites who hide in the background.
“Lo, beware - for in the midst of the fray, rhetoric serves as unearned catharsis and a recipe for man's inaction.”
Arguably, we are all guilty of this