Loved this article. Thank you for writing it. And I 100% agree with what you said at the end of how we venerate those who go to kill in wars for governments. Suicide gets the black stain in every way but sporting events, school assemblies and more get people out of their seats to honor those who "fought for freedom." It's as if both topics only receive the attention or energy that is comfortable. Again, really thought out article and you brought heart and intelligence. Well done.

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Excellent! Thank you for your gracious comment. I'm glad more and more people are beginning to see the broken things of this world that go unaddressed.

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Usually I am surprised of how much I agree with what you write. But I believe you are completely missing the greater picture in this text.

Suicide is a terrible thing. But humans don't live their lives naturally. Everything is distorted in our lives. Our perception of authority, our perception of belonging, our perception of purpose, our perception of freedom and security. We ought to experience all these things in a very small social circle, and it has do be small because you can only have active part in these only if you know --well-- your fellow who you experience these things with. Now these things are distorted in a way that a few benefit from you and your way of living.

Humans are made to be anarchists with their fellow. I give extra weight on "their fellow" part, because this part is what is replaced by the so called "necessary" state. Humans are domesticated herd animals. And domestication has a great toll to the individuals. Suicide is a terrible symptom of the distortion that we have in our lives. It shouldn't happen. I am not saying it's bad, I am saying it's irrelevant in a natural setting.

I assume you forgot the toxicity of our environment, because you didn't mention anything in this text. I would like to know your thoughts on it, maybe in a new post?

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“And perhaps this is what many suicides are: a final act of defiance against traumatic parents, the ultimate insult of rejecting the life they made.”

Very interesting point. I’ve read in Daniel Mackler’s “Breaking From Your Parents” something along these lines. Narcissistic parents and family members then use the suicide to go on sympathy crusades. It’s still all about them, and never about the individual.

I also like your perspective about having a parcel of the blame. I believe that ultimately every person is responsible for themselves and their choices, but there is something to be said about checking out on someone who is suffering and then returning when it’s too late to judge them.

A very uncomfortable read, in the sense that it’s got me thinking differently about this. Thank you.

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There was a notorious sex offender in Israel, who upon being discovered and about to be put to task for his years of abuse committed suicide as voices started to speak out. It became a shush topic "Look at how bad slander or gossip can be!" said the brainless and heartless ones.

This is only to remark that when suicide is pitied (as often is) then we run the risk of it being weaponized into an escape.

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Being weaponized into an escape?

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Because suicide is pitied, it can be used to escape social censure- the social censure that is just.

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Oh,you mean like Islamic terroristic suicide....that's certainly weaponising escape......isn't that's what taught tho,?...this (muslim)life isn't worth anything on this planet?...so,Inshallah without seeking ANY control over ones own life? ....

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Murder-suicide is a different. It’s something I don’t cover in this post. Maybe I should…

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