EXCELLENT commentaries! I love it!💥

I get called a black pilled person all the time!

I’m not “black pilled”. I simply embrace Truth and reality. Because, then I can actually accept reality, adapt to reality, and get things DONE!

Thank you!🕊️👍

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Excellent. Thank you for your words. This is for people unjustly labeled "blackpillers" https://sotiris.substack.com/p/doomer

Love your bio, btw: "I am a God loving soul having a human experience. GOD is my refuge."

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I’ve read it! But I’ll definitely reread it! Thank you!🕊️💜

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Interesting, especially the part about how e-girls disassociate

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Just a theory from a deranged perspective trying to justify why I would rather read the writing of the e-girls vs the mfa's. Just something I was working through at that very specific time. Never thought about e-girls this much before in my life. Thanks for your comment on it though.

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Who's the e-girl substack writer you speak of?

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Different ones. @Parakeet has good writing but Vixen is the one who blocked me. I shouldn't have sent her that article as a DM, 😞 that was a lapse of judgement on my part but I was looking for approval or a cheer from the ego you know what ego wants e-girls at all costs

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The best compliment I can pay you is that I’ve started a notebook with many of your words (quotes) from this post.

Well done!

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I am honoured. Thank you, Daniel.

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I agree with this in its own right. I would also stress that when people get conned or brainwashed or in general "socially engineered" they are often presented with the option of buying into something obviously not true, or obviously made up, or obviously not a good deal, in exchange for not being tortured or killed or robbed even worse. So much of people's optimism fantasia is a deep byproduct of many-generations long programming to be such cowards.

The point being that now they hold on to institutions and ideas and cultural artifacts that strictly derive from all that is lowest in their individual and collective characters, partly genetically drifted and selected toward this lowliness as well, as from the beginning such a racket targeted the weakest people in society in order to get them to revolt against their own native culture and people and institutions.

So we have to admit that this happened, we have to admit that our salvation lies not that way and never did. That it enabled only a pathetic and submissive existence to a very evil power structure run by entities that people either explicitly or implicitly worship, and this no matter what those entities have done to their worshippers, no matter what they are doing right now in front of them. People have to give up their false hope of salvation by the Jew, Jesus. They literally have to give up their "Christ". The same hopeless genetic dregs that started this problem still cling to it, of course, and will never do so.

So that leaves the rest of us who are for whatever reason more resilient, "genetic holdouts" as it were, superior and evolving strains that somehow got through the great monstrous Judeo-Christian wipe-out. We have to stop pitying those wretches and yes, stop caring about them. They are pathetic and hopeless. We have to focus on encouraging the strong.

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Thanks for this comment and the added context. Thought-provoking

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Happy to found you. My favourite sub after the retirement of the inflamed cynic.

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Interesting. Now I'm curious about inflamed cynic. Where can I find his work?

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He was here on substack but he deleted the whole sub. He said it before that this will happen most likely.

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Interesting. Why would anyone do that?

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can't remember exactly how was his argument. something on the line of being borderline autistic and likes to delve into something like blogging (1st time of his life) but getting burned out after sometime.

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Still, why delete though...

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Many thanks for your beautiful post 👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥 !!!

Avoiding cognitive dissonance seems to be a wide-spread symptom ...

The longer the denial, the worse will be the dissonance.

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You are doing some good work today Rex.

You got my mind grinding today and brought back lots of memories. Things I buried. No coffee this x but a nice cold beer on my deck before bed.

🍻 Keep it up

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Hopeless warrior, fight on.

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