I enjoyed reading this well-written masterpiece. A little dark but I prefer the cold brutal truths rather than living in delusions. Thank you.

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Thank you. It's dark, but with a hint of light at the end of the tunnel.

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Thank you for this write.

It is kinda deep, i call my self an anarchist because i have come to much of the same conclusion, government is one major problem. And alot of what you write makes sense to how people act as they do, i often make the mistake to think people realise the same thing as i do...

It is an important aspect. Thank you.

I also have tried to use countless hours trying to tell people about what our governments are doing, when i exactly was hoping that people would somehow join and help regain freedoms, when i maybe should have used the time working on my self sufficiency on the homestead, developing tech that would make my life more cut off from the powers that want to destroy us.

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Thank you for your words, and thank you for reading. About telling people what you've come to realize, there is a little unwritten rule in negotiation: never tell people more than they are willing to believe. So, when we drop the whole "government shouldn't exist" message," we do a disservice to it. People are hopelessly indoctrinated. Most adults will never change their cherished beliefs, no matter how bad things get due to those beliefs, and no matter how much logic you through at them. All you can do is through mild questions at them, let them arrive at conclusions by themselves. But current generations are lost to the cult of statism. If there is hope for humanity, it lies in future generations, if only they are raised with less trauma from bad parenting and schooling abuse.

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Nice article man.

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Bravo! A must read!

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Thank you, Angela.

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“Faith in yourself” might sound poetic, but you can’t have it both ways. It’s a package deal (something true with something false). Faith cannot be something irrational and something rational at the same time and in the same respect. I would suggest that a man must have integrity and thus be brutally honest with himself—“know thyself”!

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“Deluded hope is a rejection of your own agency in your life, and a blind belief in positive fatalism: “I don’t have to do anything because I somehow trust that the things outside of my control will magically get better without any intervention from my part. All I have to do is obsessively believe. I don’t have to do anything else.””

A great description of religious faith!

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“The useful idiots who fell for the Jan6 trap held onto immense hope that “things would get better,” as long as they rested their faith on one sleazy orange billionaire whose snark lets him get away with lies and broken promises. So, they did exactly what he ordered them to do - to aimlessly march into the Capitol building - which got them arrested and persecuted… their lives destroyed. And the same guy who got them in trouble didn’t even have the decency to pardon any of them”

That orange man has pardoned them now!

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After 4 years of hell? Any compensation for their trouble after playing their role as patsies?

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Well, I hope you are OK, because that was quite bleak. I see your intellectual points, however.

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The message is optimistic. The point is that deluded hope comes from total surrender to despair.

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