Excellent piece. It's a shame and a crime that homeschooling is illegal in most other countries (I'm in the US), but it tells you what you need to know about the state and its priorities.
One of the best summary against public schooling. I knew many of these points but could never summarise it so neatly. Well said and absolutely depressing. In our country home schooling is nearly impossible. The kid has to be an olympic athlete or totally retarded. Otherwise is mandatory to attend.
Looking back I really appreciate my mother that she forced me to go home from kindergarten and school after 12pm. I hope this option is still available that afternoon attendance can be avoided (mostly kids are doing nothing anyway just being observed by somebody) and I plan to do the same to limit the damage and give free afternoons for own interest to grow.
Many people in my circle can't imagine home schooling because they argue that I am not able to teach the subjects. With which I agree but my point is how many subjects are really valuable or necessary for a child? I came to the conclusion that writing, reading, languages (grammar) and ultimately MATH is the only things one need. And for math I can hire a private tutor who will give a much better 1-on-1 education....
In every single country, the annual cost per student for the state is much much higher than the annual cost of the most expensive private school in that country.
Very insightful and comprehensive. I've been saying these things in my own circles for years, and it's good to know that there are other people who understand just how deleterious the current public education regime is on such a profound and expansive level. I know in particular the issues I (and most of my generation had or has) suffered from - and inability to say no, defend myself, and always defer to authority, no matter how abusive it was, leading to some very bad experiences with jobs and bosses - came directly from my time in school. When I look back on it, it's shocking to think how inhumane it is to make children sit in one spot for eight plus hours for two thirds of the year with minimal breaks - almost as inhumane as making an adult, or anyone sit in one place for eight plus hours with minimal breaks, but I suppose if you had a normal childhood as it should be lived and went into the cycle of corporate abuse - sorry, the "working world" of corporate America, you'd probably never be able to function, so they kind of have to get you while you're young, y'know?
Thank you. Im glad more and more people are beginning to get it. Unfortunately, it’s too slow. Most are too hopeless traumatized that they can never challenge their cherished beliefs. The most optimistic we can be is hoping for change down the road of several generations from now.
School teaches us the important lesson of how to sit and patiently wait while some idiot natters on about shit you already know. Mute acceptance is the goal.
Excellent piece. It's a shame and a crime that homeschooling is illegal in most other countries (I'm in the US), but it tells you what you need to know about the state and its priorities.
Precisely. The state is evil. Schooling is child abuse. Objectively.
One of the best summary against public schooling. I knew many of these points but could never summarise it so neatly. Well said and absolutely depressing. In our country home schooling is nearly impossible. The kid has to be an olympic athlete or totally retarded. Otherwise is mandatory to attend.
Looking back I really appreciate my mother that she forced me to go home from kindergarten and school after 12pm. I hope this option is still available that afternoon attendance can be avoided (mostly kids are doing nothing anyway just being observed by somebody) and I plan to do the same to limit the damage and give free afternoons for own interest to grow.
Thank you very much. My writing is as good as the impact of the stimuli I receive, and in the case of schooling, the negative impact was intense.
Many people in my circle can't imagine home schooling because they argue that I am not able to teach the subjects. With which I agree but my point is how many subjects are really valuable or necessary for a child? I came to the conclusion that writing, reading, languages (grammar) and ultimately MATH is the only things one need. And for math I can hire a private tutor who will give a much better 1-on-1 education....
In every single country, the annual cost per student for the state is much much higher than the annual cost of the most expensive private school in that country.
Very insightful and comprehensive. I've been saying these things in my own circles for years, and it's good to know that there are other people who understand just how deleterious the current public education regime is on such a profound and expansive level. I know in particular the issues I (and most of my generation had or has) suffered from - and inability to say no, defend myself, and always defer to authority, no matter how abusive it was, leading to some very bad experiences with jobs and bosses - came directly from my time in school. When I look back on it, it's shocking to think how inhumane it is to make children sit in one spot for eight plus hours for two thirds of the year with minimal breaks - almost as inhumane as making an adult, or anyone sit in one place for eight plus hours with minimal breaks, but I suppose if you had a normal childhood as it should be lived and went into the cycle of corporate abuse - sorry, the "working world" of corporate America, you'd probably never be able to function, so they kind of have to get you while you're young, y'know?
Thank you. Im glad more and more people are beginning to get it. Unfortunately, it’s too slow. Most are too hopeless traumatized that they can never challenge their cherished beliefs. The most optimistic we can be is hoping for change down the road of several generations from now.
Will definitely read this. Thank you.
It’s the first in a series of sets of quotes from him.
I wish I had used some of his quotes in this article.
School teaches us the important lesson of how to sit and patiently wait while some idiot natters on about shit you already know. Mute acceptance is the goal.
Unfortunately, this is spot on
Absolutely brilliant peice!
Thank you. I hope it helps us make a difference.
Stefan Molyneux 2.0
Only Twenty Years Late Version.
You mean Spooner, Mises, Rothbard, Hoppe 2.0 only a century late version?
Oh. You're even more tardy than I'd initially wagered.