Some great points. Wish the wold would wake up to the facts And as was stated the government can't do anything with out the private sector and their contractors. The government has no money of their own, only what they have stolen from you and me. It takes foolishness to vote when you know you are voting for murderers and you are sharing in their crimes with your vote.

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Yes indeed. People see voting as a catch 22: damned if you will, damned if you don’t. Problem is they feel that they do have some power to affect things if the less evil candidates gets in office. This means they still trust the system. This is the problem.

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I enjoyed reading this, and can confirm that living in the UAE is basically a pleasant and enjoyable experience, especially when compared to its more oppressive neighbors. It's not perfect but many areas of life there are simply better, cleaner, and more enjoyable than anything you'd experience in the States, for example.

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I too have lived in the UAE. Better than its neighbours, until you get in trouble for no reason, that is.

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You just need the proper "wasta" in that case!

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Brilliant read!

I have a question, what do you think a Great Reset world would look like and if you believe that would be better? If current system crumbles, like Schwab predicts (or craves), that would clear the way for Davos lot’s plans. I believe that would give us even LESS chance for free society, what do you think?

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Author

The system never crumbles. It just morphs into a different shape. I am not hopeful for the future. Thank you for reading.

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It makes me laugh that you point out that "Maybe violence is the only thing that government is better at than the free market." is "not a pro-government argument; it is an anti-government argument."

You'd think that wouldn't have to be pointed out, but, looking around, it probably does.

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I know... Sometimes I feel like I'm drawing with crayons - it's the only way to be understood, perhaps?

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Unfortunately, I fear many will still not understand it—they don't want to

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The U.S. government would like us to forget that during arguably the most important period in America's history, America had no government, and that actually worked better.

"For upwards of two years from the commencement of the American War, and to a longer period in several of the American States, there were no established forms of government. The old governments had been abolished, and the country was too much occupied in defence to employ its attention in establishing new governments; yet during this interval order and harmony were preserved as inviolate as in any country in Europe.

"The more perfect civilisation is, the less occasion has it for government, because the more does it regulate its own affairs, and govern itself..."

Thomas Paine, "Chapter I. Of Society and Civilisation", The Rights of Man (1791)

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Can you name a time when any historical civilization thrived on less or no government compared to the nations and empires of today?

There's a distinct omission of such examples spanning from say Ancient history to the Renaissance. It's almost like the governing forces from the past haved obscured knowledge of other times and places where people lived naturally without a government.

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The victors get to write history as it suits them. Violence and lying are perhaps the only things government can do better than the free market.

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Very well put.

Imagine what each race would be like today if it could retain all it's folklore & ancestral knowledge?

I think about this a lot because mine was laid waste upon (Poland).

Very hard to find any historical source documents on specific events, places and people.

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