After you’re done addressing every single statist objection to statelessness, they retreat back to the motte-and-bailey fallacy, their personal inability to believe, the irony of which is that belief is all that is required for any economic system to work.
“Statelessness won’t work… don’t you know?”
Apart from this being a low-IQ incredulity fallacy, let me just say that, just because you personally can’t visualize it, or lack the capacity to comprehend it, does not mean that others can’t. You are not so special to know what will or won’t work just because you overestimate the gravity of your subjective opinion. Because this objection is just an opinion; no logical line of thinking is presented. Falling for logical fallacies, and thus advertising your mental incompetency is not the supporting argument you imagine it being.
Second, you are right! It wouldn’t work when the vast majority of people currently occupying this retarded planet are so hopelessly indoctrinated. If I would snap my fingers to magically dissolve all government right now, then I know that, in a matter of days, we’d find a way to institute new governments; not because we have “good leaders” among us, but because we are good obedient subservient slaves, always in need of leadership. The sheep need their shepherd. So, the sheep will elevate anything, even a wolf, to be their shepherd.
Belief: a self-fulfilling prophecy
Any “system” of government requires a critical mass of the population (enough people wanting it enough) to be on board, to believe. What we get is a self-fulfilling prophecy: if we believe it works, it will. If we don’t, it won’t.
This is why Islamic theocracies with public beheadings on a caliph’s whims are sustainable right now in the Middle East, regardless of their oil-splattered luxuries and tinfoil Lamborghinis.
This is why full-blown communism “works” in North Korea, China, Vietnam, and Cuba - it’s what the people (in general) want, tolerate, and believe in.
If I snapped my finger and imposed a North Korean-style communist theocracy in the United States, then the American people would not go along with it, and the government would have to loosen its grip to a more mixed-socialist system (kind of like now).
If I snapped my fingers and imposed a democracy in medieval feudal Europe, royalists and loyalists would find a way to relinquish their right to a voice (hypocritical and void as it is) to a local leader, warlord, mobster, or highwayman. They wouldn’t know what to do with their newfound freedom. They wouldn’t want it, wouldn’t believe in it, wouldn’t feel safe with it. They’d feel safer in prison, under the delusion of “better men” “taking care” of them.
Muh democracy
You know what would never work in the vast majority of human history? Democracy.
Direct democracy, is the tyranny of the perceived majority over the actual majority, or the biggest minority over the majority. Democracy by representation (today’s version) is simply deceitful totalitarianism with extra steps, without the honesty to admit that it is in fact tyranny.
Democracy is the self-delusion of freedom. Democracy is the dictatorship of a big minority oppressing the vast majority comprised of many smaller minorities. Democracy is a scam.
But, the good of democracy is its admission that its populations do demand freedom, and reject totalitarianism, even though they are scammed into it. But the fact that the people need to be scammed before accepting it shows their predisposition to liberty, and their aversion to totalitarianism. Democracy is a good first step, a good omen for a society that has just began to understand that centralized government is unnecessary.
Democracy is only sustainable in populations that are smart and ethical enough to value some freedom, but not smart or ethical enough to know they are being duped into yet another form of totalitarianism with extra steps and a lot of gaslighting propaganda.
Belief makes any madness sustainable
For example, the general population of Syria, as of today in 2025AD, seems to be OK with a sadistic totalitarian theocracy. They think it’s honourable and mighty to rally behind the fantasy of a “strongman,” mindlessly squealing “Allahu akbar!” as their country is run by Israeli proxies. The average Syrian today is too dumb to realise that his leaders are Israeli assets doing the bidding of their Jewish overlords.
You’re right! It really won’t work.
The objection “I don’t believe it can work” is partly correct; no form of statelessness can work with the current pathetic state of the human population. Faith and trust are what make any social system work, exactly like money and financial institutions. Your fiat money has value because you believe it has value; you know it is enforced by violence (fiat), and therefore, you are comfortable getting paid in it, just like everyone else. The second the government decides to stop enforcing fiat money via the instrument of taxation, your fiat money value will drop to zero, worse than the Weimar inflation. This is as predictable as the most fundamental law of physics. If people lose their subjective belief in a social concept like subjective value, or arbitrary “authority,” then they cease to attribute validity to them. They just stop playing along.
Take the AI disruption we’re currently going through. I’ve heard of the emergence of AI-centered religions. Yes, they are directed by grifters, but the naive gullible followers genuinely believe that AI is divinity, and that the generative hallucinations produced by AI (which can’t be explained by its developers) are glimpses of the future or of parallel dimensions. If such belief systems gain enough traction, then AI authoritarianism will not only become possible, but it will be sustainable: humans will relinquish their freedoms to some form of AI-powered authoritarian government, complete with its AI arms of enforcement, and its endless arbitrary micromanagement of human behaviour.
Is this so hard to visualize? Human history is riddled with instances of humans obeying religious dictatorships, by which a small ruling “elite” would presume to arbitrarily interpret and reverse-engineer the “Word of God,” conveniently enough, always in the rulers’ favour at the expense of the plebs.
It WOULD work!
“It wouldn’t work?” As a hypothetical, I call bullshit. It wouldn’t work with the current hopelessly traumatized and propagandized population of the planet; but under a more healthy version of humanity, statelessness would most definitely fucking would.
If something as intricate and wild as propaganda-reliant democracy can work (or Islamic-caliphate technocracy, or Soviet-style communism, or the unholy alliance of mutually validating royalty and church), then so can laissez-faire (voluntary decentralized systems of self-governance in the style of Rothbardian Austro-anarchism).
If systems of government that require so much brainwashing indoctrination to work can actually “work” (as miserably as they do), then spontaneous systems of decentralized governance can work all the more. All that is required is that we unlearn our ingrained presumptions of the deluded “necessity'“ of arbitrary governmental “authority.”
How hard is this to understand? If state or religious faux-authorities, in whatever form they’ve had in history, have always monopolized schooling and child indoctrination, then is it so hard to see how this miseducation of slaves is what keeps rulers in power? Hell, in all of human slavery, proper slaves who at least realized they were slaves were indoctrinated to accept their lowly status. This is why overt slavery was sustainable for the vast majority of human history (now we only have covert slavery with extra steps).
If the vast majority of slaves were reluctant and recalcitrant in their indignant submission, then no slave owner would see any value in the hard labour of managing bad slave labour.
We get the system of governance we deludedly believe in. This shouldn’t be so hard to understand.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time. All my work here is free.
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Recommended reading
‘Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy’ by Robert P. Murphy
‘No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority’ by Lysander Spooner
‘For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Power and Market: Government and the Economy’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market’ by Murray N. Rothbard
‘The Enterprise Of Law: Justice Without The State’ by Bruce L. Benson
‘The Machinery of Freedom: A Guide to Radical Capitalism’ by David Friedman
Sustainable only in the short term. Violence always unwinds, even if it takes a few hundred years for the more sophisticated of governments.