I’ve been recklessly branded - and conveniently dismissed as - a defeatist, a blackpiller, and a doomer by people who felt threatened by what I had to say… the implications of what it would mean for them if I were right.
What I had to say must have touched a nerve, otherwise they wouldn’t react with unhinged vitriol against me.
And what did I say other than pointing out misplaced faith in false idols?
“False hopes are more dangerous than fears.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin
Rage against the doomer!
Consider: you are faced with an individual who is unreasonably terrified of the overestimated possibility that the sky is going to fall on our heads. Would you feel anger and animosity against him? After reassuring him that such a thing was impossible, you’d probably feel some sympathy towards him, and try to help him put his fears to rest. You wouldn’t feel the need to disparage him, hate him and blame all the ills of humanity on him. If you did, then perhaps you were more terrified than him, enough to abandon reason in pursuit of falsehoods; anything to mitigate your crippling fear.
If you feel the instinctive need to hate whomever deprives you of your self-serving delusions, then perhaps your greatest fear is the possibility of a truth, as you burry your head in the sand.
Anger and hate betray a truth that we are too cowardly to admit… that a nerve was touched because the message rings true.
Rage betrays fear… the fear of a truth that haters know they are too weak to handle. Hate is a confession of weakness.
The “doomer” doesn’t need angels on his side as a condition to keep going.
The “defeatist” doesn’t rely on the psychotic delusion that “his team” - whatever that means - is winning over others. He doesn’t need the self-delusion of victory over windmills.
The “blackpiller” doesn’t depend on doses of hopium by the merchants of toxic unfounded optimism about things that are “always coming,” always “just around the corner:” made-up fairy tales to calm down crying children.
If anything, it takes guts to accept that there is no hope, and still manage to push through, each day at a time. The brave do not require the illusion of hope to fuel their purpose. The valiant do not need external promises of divine interventions or heavenly rewards to keep walking. The strong do not depend on the sheer luck of what they can’t control, waiting for it to decide to shift in their favor, as an audacious prerequisite for them to keep fighting on.
Only the weak need promises and guarantees before standing for themselves, before standing for something. And if they can’t have the promise of hope, they imagine it.
In the end, what is the willing self-delusion of false hope other than the denial of self-accountability, the refusal to actually face our own demons, to acknowledge our own participation in and permission for our enslavement?
The false dichotomy
In the end, the merry hopeful fools or the self-schadenfreude pessimists are a false dichotomy because they are basically the same: The hopium addicts have given up hope in themselves completely before consciously surrendering to false hope in others. And those who derive pleasure from doom and gloom - the pessimist supremacists - have also given up on themselves, so they accept and embrace total hopelessness.
Here, I describe hopium/blackpill false dichotomy with more detail:
On one extreme of the false dichotomy, we have hopium: the drug of self-deluded false hope for people who will imagine anything, no matter how wild or unfounded, as long as it mitigates their despair of what it would mean otherwise… an existence without any hope, realistic or not.
Hopium addicts are cowards, infants in adult bodies who still believe in Santa Clause, otherwise they can’t sleep at night.
On the other extreme of the spectrum, we have the blackpill: the state of people who will reject anything positive about society - even true positivity - simply because they feel safe and comfortable basking in the risk-free mindset of pessimism. There is no demand to make yourself worthy of good things when good things don’t happen, so they prefer the bad; it’s easier that way. If there is nothing positive about the world, then they risk losing nothing; they risk no disappointment, no disenchantment.
True blackpillers reject the possibility of good by appealing to an absence of evidence fallacy: if there is no evidence for it yet, then it must be impossible. This is true doomer mentality.
What is not hopium
Believing in yourself to make even the smaller improvement in the world, despite having the perception of how horrible the world is, is not hopium. It is not delusion to maintain some hope in yourself - not anything or anyone else - that you can improve things for yourself and for humanity as a whole. If you lose that hope, this belief in yourself, then you can accept it valiantly, but not to the point of dramatic doomsday prophecy and self-indulgent drama.
What is not blackpill
Realism, and relying on facts and provable patterns is not unreasonable pessimism. Rejecting unfounded optimism based on an expectation of burden of proof is not a blackpill. Remaining unconvinced of the hopefulness of something, without being convinced of the hopelessness, is not being blackpilled.
It takes guts to accept harsh reality and still push through without the need for deluded hope. What’s truly cowardly and loser-minded is deluding oneself with false hope that renders them susceptible to manipulation. Hopium-blackpill is a false dichotomy.
The problem with false hope
When you recklessly embrace hope that is not warranted, you set yourself up for manipulation and exploitation.
False hope is a manipulation tactic. Every Ponzi scheme, Nigerian prince scam, and online grift is based on hope. Every stonk pump-and-dump scam is made possible through false hope. Every satanic schizophrenic ideology, such as socialism, managed to become the norm with the support of naive hopeful people relinquishing their liberties to a hope-dispensing demagogue… all because of the desperate need for hope. Every grifter… Every shaman, soothsayer, false prophet, and séance practitioner managed to exploit people by selling them the illusion of empty hope. But no one can manipulate you without your permission. It is the people most desperate for hope that fall for the biggest scams due to their gullibility. If you stand for nothing (in this case, commitment to truth regardless of its dire implications), then you will fall for anything.
This is why I urge people to abandon false hope. It is not because I am a doomer seeking company in my hellish despair. It is because I hate seeing people become victims of circumstance. Yes, they are responsible for being taken advantage by the merchants of false hope, but show them some compassion; they weren’t responsible for the circumstances that made them this way.
Resting ANY hope on government to fix what government has broken is why government keeps doing what it’s doing. Hope empowers because hope is faith, and belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Faith in something brings it alive. Faith in evil enables evil to reign. Faith in something good makes good reign. Let us lose ALL hope in evil things, starting from hope in evil politicians and in the irredeemably evil institution of coercive government.
The problem with gratitude
When you irresponsibly grant your gratitude to the arbitrarily defined “lesser evil” because “the alternative is worse,” then guess what… you stay with evil, you solidify it, and you perpetuate it.
If you feel grateful towards your rapist for throwing you a napkin to wipe yourself after he’s had his way with you, then you have little sympathy from me. No small good can ever justify evil. The devil always comes to you in sheep’s clothing.
Yes, things could always be worse, but that’s an ode to mediocrity, and a commitment to the lesser evil; but evil nonetheless. Yet, the lesser evil is the greatest evil because it perpetuates evil.
Meaningful change comes only after you lose all your hope in things you can't control.
I, the doomer!
I find it lazy when people call me a “doomer,” as if a subjective opinion, an arbitrary characterization, is supposed to be a meaningful logical argument.
All I’m saying is that resting ANY hope on centralized monopolistic government to fix what government has broken is why government keeps doing what it is doing. The insanity of asking Mephistopheles to help you again - even after he’s fucked your over with his deceitful promises of help - is how Mephistopheles keeps fucking you over.
I’m trying to get people to lose their hope in the state if we are ever to build a better more ethical world without coercive government.
It can’t get any more hopeful than that!
And I’m the hopeless doomer? Really?
I’m the true hopeful. I’m the one who still hopes for and believes in humanity despite all the evidence showing me that humanity isn’t worth surviving, let alone thriving. I’m the one spending most of my free time reading and thinking and writing, and dispensing my work for free, tirelessly crayon-drawing how I believe humanity can ascend to higher ideals. If we can only get rid of our deluded insane need in perceived “authority;” authority that corrupts both the pleb and the tyrant.
Maybe, once we abandoned false hope we can have room for true hope.
If we sink as deep as it goes, only then - perhaps - can we use the bottom to kick back up again.
If you hate me due to this, your hate honours me. You hate me for the right reasons; your hate differentiates me from you, thank God! I thank you for this courtesy.
Reject all hope in things you can’t control!
This means you put your hope in yourself. Only then you can see what you truly can control; and it’s more than you thought you could when you misplaced your hope in external things, in fate, in gods and demons, in betraying people, in scumbag politicians.
Resting your hope, and faith on others blinds you to the things you can actually do, as you waste your energy pleading to Athena to help you, forgetting that you can actually swim, or as you waste your energy choreographing rain dances or sacrificing children to the weather gods, ignoring the fact that you can instead direct all that effort to craft irrigation systems.
Resting your hopes on external factors means you have given up hope in yourself. It means you cannot live with yourself in an environment that is not completely favorable to you. I say that if you have no hope in your environment, then you truly believe in yourself; you are confident and hopeful in yourself enough that you can live and fight despite your hopeless environment. And who knows; this inner strength and resilience - this non-reliance on external hope - may be the catalyst needed for you to actually improve your environment. In this case, the external has hope in you. Perhaps this is the meaning of our existence.
The more hope you have in others, the less hope you have in yourself; it is because you have no hope in yourself that you must have hope in others. It is because I have hope in myself that I do not have faith in anyone or anything else.
After all, it is the most hopeless people - those without noble ideals - who commit the greatest atrocities (either directly, or by proxy via voting). People with hope in themselves know they are better than to commit atrocity against their neighbors.
If we all placed more hope in ourselves first instead of others, then perhaps we’d learn to build actual hope for humanity too.
The bottom line
I do not accept your lazy “doomer” characterization, your wrong opinion, which you have every right to have, but shouldn’t have the gall to presume that it’s somehow a logical argument.
If you feel angry over my calls to shed your false hope, then you prove you are hopelessly addicted to it. And like any drug, it is a fake euphoria, meaningless hedonism, and a toxicity that will be your undoing.
A telltale sign of charity-level low IQ is binary thinking: “if you don’t support one side, then you must support the other.”
This is how the vast majority of voters think.
And here we are.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time. All my work here is free.
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Another great writing. I am furious about these NPC answers since forever. Difficult to have a conversation with anyone when their head is buried under the sand.
I think statism is stockholm syndrome in large...
Great article! As Frank Herbert said, "hope clouds observation".